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Luisa fiddled with the wet cloth she used to wipe her war paint and sat on her bed. She was irritated that Bellamy was gullible and broke into Polis with Octavia and Pike, carrying weapons.

She was pardoned for attacking an ambassador but stayed unsettled knowing Roan was locked in a cell and she couldn't see him from the high security. She hoped the situation wouldn't affect their relationship, it shouldn't matter what clan they were from, it was where the heart lied. Did it matter?

Her head perked up when the door opened and Clarke entered, closing it slowly with her back facing her. She heard a childish giggle that was locked away in her memories as children escape her mouth and leaned forward from her comfortable spot.

"What's going on?" she asked. The blonde turned with a straight face and strolled over to sit beside her on the bed. Clarke laid her hand on Luisa's knee with a small tap.

"Terrible timing but..." she trailed off. "We kissed." Luisa's eyes narrowed in confusion then tilted reading the expression on her face and it filled in the blanks. "You and Lexa?" she questioned with faint excitement and Clarke confidently nodded.

Luisa inhaled sharply and held her friend's hand, "Now you have to take your own advice and not let it get in the way." "I know," she nodded. "With the declaration of war, things will get thin. And you and Roan are..." "I know."

"There's an ambassador meeting tomorrow," Clarke told her, standing. "You won't be there but I'll fill you in."



Clarke entered the throne room in her regular clothes and sat in the armchair on the left of her lover's seat as the ambassadors piled in the room.

They stood when the Commander entered and with Titus, going to her throne. Lexa motioned for them to sit and they obeyed when the door swung open and Queen Nia bombarded in with her son in shackles.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lexa questioned. "I am the one who destroyed the mountain," Nia confessed. "But that doesn't matter, does it?" Nia stood and eyed Clarke before looking back at Lexa. "I want the throne," she demanded. There was silence in the room and Titus spoke, "Then we shall vote."

Clarke watched as all of the ambassadors stood, collectively voting on Lexa's impeachment but she stayed seated, replicating the Flamekeeper's baffled expression.

"See, they agree with me," Nia snarled. "That's because it was unanimous," Clarke pointed out and she glared at her to quiet. "Fine," Nia began. "I challenge you, Commander, to solo gonplei. Whoever wins gets the throne."

"Will you fight?" Lexa questioned. "I choose my son, Prince Roan of Azgeda as my champion," she said, giving him a proud smile. "And will you fight?" Lexa stood to measure up to the queen. "I choose the Daughter of Kane, Luisa of Skaikru, as my champion," she said harshly.

Clarke felt this black hole form in her stomach that sucked in her organs and managed to snatch her heart. She glanced at Roan who was trying to keep his composure but he was taken by her mother, followed by the rest of the ambassadors. She stayed still in her chair, trying to understand what Lexa had signed up her best friend to do.

"You're going to send in one of your nightblood's?" Titus questioned and she finally stood. "Yes," Lexa said. "You keep asking me which nightblood should be my successor and it is her. I choose her." "To die," Clarke pointed out and Titus agreed. "How is she going to become Commander if she is dead?" "She's going to kill him," Lexa said.

"No she won't," Clarke countered. "She won't do that." "To make peace, she will make a sacrifice for the greater good," Lexa said. "No, she won't," she told her with wide eyes and pivoted to leave the room.

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