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Roan's heart pounded against the walls of his rib cage when she rolled into his arm after lighting a candle to illuminate the cold, dark room. She snuggled against him as the arm under her head tucked her black hair behind her ear. His other hand caressed her hourglass body and it trailed up to her arm markings.

"Why'd you get this?" he asked and she looked up. Her pupils tightened inside her cosmic brown eyes. "The band seems whole," she said. "Complete." "You complete me," he whispered honestly.

He felt her arms cover in goosebumps when she inhaled sharply and he knew he still affected her. He pulled the animal fur to her shoulders to keep her warm and she purred at his chest. He lifted her chin to drop in her eyes again before slowly leaning in for a tongued kiss.

"I have to go," she said softly. "Where?" he asked, grazing her cheek. "I'm a nightblood in the conclave, you're the king. We're going to busy," she explained and pecked him on the lips before getting out of the bed he stayed in.

Roan wiggled his toes that were sticking out of the sheets and watched her put on her clothes. "I'm the King of Azgeda and I order you to stay," he said in a demanding tone. "King or not, I'll still take over and make my own decisions. Ai laik ayas bych" (I'm my own bitch), she said, making him smirk.

When she slipped on her shoes, he crawled to the edge of the bed and wrapped the blanket on his waist, making sure the V of his pelvis show. She was going to reach for the door when she turned and stepped towards him. He tossed his hair back and waited for her to touch his abs.

Her head tilted, letting her cold fingers trace his body and his intestines turned into butterflies, fluttering inside of him. She leaned in to kiss him and he copied but never felt her lips. When he opened his eyes, he found her smiling and she pivoted, leaving the room.



Riding on the back of Arilies, Luisa trailed behind Lexa and Clarke with guards surrounding them, pulling the mummified Queen Nia on a wagon to Arkadia.

Their conversation was muffled as she reminisced about the time she had with Roan. A euphoric feeling rushed her body at the thought of his kisses all over her body.

'You complete me'

She broke a smile, finally snapping into reality and she felt the rain fall on her head in the light sprinkle. She denied the offer of cloth to put over her head as Clarke used hers and Lexa covered her head in the dark orange velvet.

"Adheda," Lexa spoke and Clarke slowed her horse to move to the back as she trotted to the front. "Heda," she said, feeling her eyes on her.

"How did it go?" she asked. Luisa opened her mouth to speak then closed it with a faint smile and nod, seeing Lexa genuinely grin. "And what about you and..." Luisa raised her eyebrows, indicating that she knew when she glanced at the dazed Clarke. "Very well," she said calmly.

A thick scent filled the air and their smiles faded when a guard shouted, "Heda!" The group galloped to the call of the voice and they halted in terror of the flies buzzing over hundreds of corpses.

Luisa jumped off her horse, following the Commander with Clarke as they stepped over bodies. She held her breath in disbelief of the bullet holes Clarke pointed out.

The sound of someone gasping alerted their attention and they rushed over. Indra was laying distressed on a bolder and Clarke attempted to help her wound but she pushed her away.

"Skaikru," she snarled. "My father wouldn't do this, let alone Abby," Luisa thought. "It wasn't Kane," Indra said. "It was Pike."

"Pike?" she questioned as she finally let the blonde tend to her injuries. "Ten of them came when we were sleeping and massacred all of us," Indra explained. "Bellamy showed mercy, knowing I'd send a message." "What message?" Lexa asked. Indra glanced at her saying, "Skaikru rejects the coalition. This is their land now, we can leave or die."

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