7: Labor

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"Arizona!" Jeff yelled.

I rushed out onto the porch and saw Debbi laying on the porch, sweat glistening on her face.

"What's going on?" I knelt down next to her.

"It feels like something just cut through my stomach. I'm having really bad back pains." She cried.

"Contractions." I whispered.

"But the baby is dead, how can she-"

"It's not dead, Jeff! Ryan was tricking us. Now get her into a good position."

We leaned her up against the house.

"Did her water break yet?" I asked.

"I didn't see any."

Sure enough, a puddle appeared under her. But it wasn't a clear white liquid, it was tinted a dark pink color. I wasn't worried about that.

Debbi screamed again.

"It's ok." I said calmly.

"It feels like my stomach just exploded!"

It wasn't a common symptom, but I was taking it.

Jim rushed over finally.

"What should I do?" He asked.

Then, I saw blood pouring out of her pants.

"Get Ryan."

He frowned and rushed into the main house.

Debbi was sobbing now.

"Is she supposed to push?" Jeff asked.

"I don't know. This isn't normal."

We took off her pants and saw a pool of blood around her body. Her face was getting pale.

Ryan rushed outside and saw it.

"If you know what you're doing, help her." I said desperately.

He rushed over and felt around her stomach. She screamed in agonizing pain.

"Can you push?" He asked her.

Thank god, it was normal labor.

I saw strain in her face as she tried to push the baby out. She screamed again.

"Something is broken! I can feel it!" She sobbed.

He turned to Jeff. "Do you mind?" He asked.

"Please, do whatever you can." Jeff said while squeezing Debbi's hand.

Ryan took a flashlight and peeked under her long shirt.

"Holy crap."

"What?" I asked.

"Her uterus lining is ripped. She is internally bleeding."

Jeff sobbed into her shoulder.

"Jeff, keep it together. Debbi is the only one allowed to cry." I scolded. "What do we have to do?" I asked.

"I have no idea how it was ripped, but right now all I have to do is get the baby out."

"She can't push! How are you supposed to do that?!" I yelled.

"Ever heard of a C-section?" He snapped back. "I don't have the standard supplies, but I think I can do it."

Jim gathered the items Ryan needed and he began the surgery.

He slit open the bottom of her stomach and felt around inside.

"I've got a head." He started retracting his hands from the hole.

I saw the top of a small forehead and he pulled out the rest of the body.

It came out screaming. Ryan looked shocked at this because he had predicted a silent baby.

"I told you." I said.

He held it in his arms and looked at it. There was confusion on his face.

"No, I was right." He said shakily.

"No you weren't, it is alive."

"No, it died. And came back."


Sorry guys! Some short chapters but they will lengthen out.

Remember, votes and comments appreciated! Don't be afraid to say anything. Everyone has their own opinions and I appreciate your feedback.

So belle-of-the-ball-xo and I are cowriting a Disney Hunger Games story and would LOVE if you could put together a cover or two for us to consider. It should be the majority of Disney with a small amount of Hunger Games flare. Please email them to sagidisnerds@gmail.com.

You WILL be credited for your contribution if we decide to use them.


Just posted Urban Princesses:Mulan! Be sure to check it out!

Love you lots!


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