10:Broken Bonds

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I turned to my left and shot a bloody creeper trudging through the forest.

I went to retrieve my arrow.

"Finally some talent out here." Jim slung his arm over my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek.

"Yeah, Luther should've let you out here a long time ago." Jeff added.

"Did you just say I was a better creeper killer than you men?" I asked.

"I never said that." Jim said.

I laughed and shot a zombie behind him.

We approached the fence. There were no creepers gathered on the other side. This was odd. Then, I felt it. Something was off.

"Jim, something isn't right." I said nervously.

"Yeah, you are actually a better shooter than I am." He chuckled.

"I'm serious."

"Yeah, so am I." He laughed again.

I turned around and saw Jeff slump to the ground, a large chunk of his neck was missing. A creeper was standing behind him, chewing on a piece of flesh.

I quickly shot it in the eye and rushed over to Jeff. It took Jim a minute to process what had happened.

Blood sputtered out of Jeff's mouth.

"D-Debbi-" He croaked.

"It's ok. You're going to be ok." Tears blurred my vision.

He grabbed my hand.

"N-no, I'm not. T-tell D-Debbi to k-keep goin-" his voice drifted off, his eyes closed and his grip loosened.

"No. You can't leave. You need to stay with her! You can't! Jim, go get Ryan!" I yelled.

"Arizona, he is dead." Jim said calmly.

"No but Debbi-"


He started pulling me away from his body.

I immediately collapsed into his arms and started sobbing. He stroked my hair.

How am I supposed to tell Debbi? She has already lost so much. Our group couldn't cope another loss.

Jim helped me back to camp.

Debbi was in her usual spot on the porch.

When she saw Jeff wasn't with us, she stood up then collapsed to the ground. Her uterus was still not healed.

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. She got the clue and sobbed into my shoulder. She didn't stop. I'm surprised she had that many tears. She finally calmed down when it started to get dark.

"H-how did it happen?" She asked.

I explained to her what happened in as less detail as I could, which was still pretty gory.

Tears came back into her eyes.

"Let's bring you upstairs." Luther and Winston helped her into a bed.

"If you need anything, somebody will be on watch outside your room." I explained.

"I'll be fine." She sniffled.

I made my way out of her room and down to my tent.

Jim was waiting for me, once again.

He immediately embraced me.

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