12: Busted

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"Debbi?" I knocked on the nursery door. She hadn't come out since yesterday morning. I came up to give her food. She was probably still asleep. I opened the door so I could leave the food, but when I opened the door I dropped the tray.

She was sitting on the floor, a knife in her chest, her face pale and blank. The baby laid in the crib, it's eye looked like it had been stabbed.

I put my hand up to my mouth and cried.

I rushed over to her side and saw a piece of paper clutched in her hand. I checked her pulse, there was nothing.

I opened the crinkled paper. In Debbi's neat handwriting, there was a suicide note.

I couldn't do it anymore. I'm surprised the baby didn't kill me, but now I can't live with this pain. I couldn't let my child go through this pain either. I am sorry to everyone. I really am but please know that I will be in a better place with my husband and child. We will live happily together and not have to cope with the world around us. I am especially sorry to Arizona. You are my very best friend and you helped me through this until my final moments. You have done everything for me and more. Just know that I will always love you, no matter where we are. Please keep our ashes together, mine, Jeff's and our child's. I love you all and hope to see you in the kingdom of heaven.

I sobbed on the floor. This couldn't be happening. I was still asleep and I didn't know it. I cried and cried and cried.

I felt arms wrap around me and smelled the familiar smell of Ryan.

I leaned into his shoulder and cried into his shirt. He rubbed my head and rocked me.

Then, I heard a grunting and a moaning. I tried to lift my head but Ryan held it down.

"Don't look." He whispered.

I felt him lean over and heard a ripping sound, then a growl, then a loud thump.

I sobbed into his shirt again. She had come back.

He rubbed my back.

"I'll take her downstairs." I heard Jim's voice say.

Ryan slowly nudged me off of his chest and Jim helped me up. I didn't want to leave Ryan's arms. I wanted to curl up in his embrace and mourn.

He helped me downstairs into my tent. A few people saw me and rushed inside.

Debbi couldn't die. She was my best friend. I might die without her. I loved her so much. It hurt so bad. But she was in a better place. I believe that. A place where she didn't have to mourn, a place where she could stay with no stress, no pressure of having to live with depression. That was all that mattered. That she was happy.

Jim rubbed my back and head. I sat there sobbing for what seemed like days. I finally calmed down and fell asleep.


"Arizona, I have to show you something." Ryan's soft voice filled my ears. He was rubbing my arm gently.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"Four am."

"Why are you up this early?"

"I'm on watch. But you have to see this."

I walked out of my tent and down to the lake with Ryan.

In the water, a large school of fish shimmered with the colors of the sky. The sun raised over the horizon. It was beautiful.

I looked over at Ryan. Awe and excitement spread across his face along with a reflection of the water.

His arm slid around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back. This was just what I needed.

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