Chapter 4

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As a group of handsome young men walked by the hallway of their school, screaming could be heard and all that loud noises came from all girls from different levels, girls that seek their attention and in short they are what people called desperate girls... Am I right?

Tsubaki sighed with annoyance while ruffling his hair "Can't they shut up, seriously they're starting to get on my nerves"

Kuroko rolled his eyes "Everybody gets on your nerves, Tsubaki"

Tsubaki twitched and he clenched his fist "Well do you want to taste what everybody taste when they get on my nerves" he growled

"Calm down Tsubaki... geez... did you woke up on the wrong side of bed today" Akihito said while raising a brow at Tsubaki

Tsubaki was about to open his mouth and say something when Ray said "Mom is pissed that he's failing all his subjects"

"You should have seen our mom when she saw Tsubaki's grade. She was so furious that even our Dad stayed on the sidelines" Ray said shuddering at the memory

Azusa shrugged "As the saying goes by Never pissed a mother for they are more scarier than a monster"

Tsubaki stomped his feet on the ground and crossed his arms while pouting "I am not failing my subjects, the teachers are just jealous of me" he whined

Tatsuya raised an eyebrow at him "Jealous of what exactly?" he asked

"My looks, they're jealous because they are ugly and not handsome like me" Tsubaki said still crossing his arms

Kuroko snickers "Tsubaki I don't know if you're joking or not but that must be the lamest excuse I have ever heard in my entire life. And can you please stop pouting, you're really not cute" he said then added when Tsubaki opened his mouth "You're not adorable either so shut your mouth and your far from handsome either"

Sakurai sighed and look at Tsubaki with sympathy in his eyes "Tsubaki, I'm sorry to tell you this because it might sound rude, but I must say that you got more balls than brain" he said

Kuroko and the others roared with laughter, by now they are in their private room in their school "Did you hear that nii-san? You got more balls than brain, and you can't complain because it came from Ryou" Azusa said still laughing with the others

Tsubaki scoffed "Just because you're our valedictorian this year doesn't mean you're free to insult my I.Q. And excuse me, this is a free country, I can do whatever I want here and that includes my grades, okay" he said

"So, you're accepting the fact that you are an idiot" Kuroko said then laughed again at the look Tsubaki gave him

"Hey guys, I don't follow you" Tamaki whined while pouting and... aw.... everybody softened at the look "We were just talking about your Tsubaki-nii's grade" Kuroko cooed while patting Tamaki's hair softly

Tamaki leaned in the touch "What about his grades?" he asked scooting over to Kuroko and sat on his lap

"You see, my nii-san is failing all his subjects and our mom is angry" Ray said gently

You must be curious why the members goes soft when Tamaki spoke, it's not just because his the youngest and the cutest, It's just that Tamaki must be treated gently, you see Tamaki came from an abusive family and everyday of his life Tamaki feels the pain not only physically but emotionally, Tamaki grew up seeking the warmth of a parent, seeking the love a parent could give their child but everyday all he feel is the pain coming from his father's punch and his mother's slap, Every single day instead of hearing endearments all he hear is insults coming from the mouth of his parents, Insults that are full of hatred and disgust instead of love and care and specifically his parents hated him because they didn't need him they said they got one girl and one boy already and they don't need another boy just one each gender is enough, Tamaki lasted for 10 years of abuse because he can't bring himself to leave his older sister and brother but on one faithful day Tamaki's sister and brother told him to run and never come back and they said that they'll handle everything... so just like that Tamaki was taken care by the family of Kuroko, that's how Kuroko met him.. Pretty tragic, right?

Tamaki is still in contact with his siblings, so nothing to worry about and if you are curious about his age Tamaki is still 16 pretty young ha... and if you're wondering what he's doing in college.... don't be curious in Kuroko's school there's not only college but high school as well.. So, yeah... Tamaki belonged to another building which is a few meters away from Kuroko's school, if you walked from Kuroko's school to Tamaki's, it will take a 15 minutes walk...

"Tsubaki-nii should study well, so you could graduate properly" Tamaki pouted and glare at Tsubaki who is rubbing his neck in embarrassment

Well, I guess you should know that Tamaki didn't get a good childhood and that's why he is acting like a child even at his age... so yeah...

"Sorry, I promise I'll do well" Tsubaki promised

Tamaki leaned back in Kuroko with a look of satisfaction "Good"

Tatsuya snickered "So, it takes Tamaki's judgment and you're ready to go"

The others chuckled when Tsubaki blushed a scarlet red "Shut up"

"Tamaki, you should attend your classes" Kuroko said sternly but gently

Tamaki pouted "I don't wanna go, I wanna stay with Tetsu-nii today and besides we are always excuse, so why attend" he said

"True, but sometimes we need to attend classes in order to learn new stuffs, okay?" Kuroko said smiling at him

Tamaki's pout turned into a smile "Okay, since Tetsu-nii smiled. You rarely smile, so I'll be good and follow you this time"

Kuroko patted his head gently "Good boy, I'll treat you later... okay?"

Tamaki brightened "YAY!!" he squealed and he snuggled even farther in Kuroko's chest

Kuroko looked up and saw the others staring at him "What?" he grunted

Akihito just shook his head "Nothing, it's just... it's amazing how you handle situations"

Kuroko raised a brow "How so?"

"Well, you know what to say and what to do" Tatsuya said

Kuroko rolled his eyes "Yeah whatever..." little did they know is that they are being watched from their window by a group of people...

"Damn... I know that Kuroko changed but this much is just plainly amazing" Aomine said still looking at the window, a binocular in hand

Riko looked at the others "What happened to make him changed this much, not that I'm complaining"

The others shrugged "Maybe, he decided that it's boring to stay like the old him and then he got inspired when he thought of me and then.........." Kise continue his rant but everybody ignored him completely

"Who votes that we corner him later" Kagami said raising his hand on the process

Hyuuga sighed "I was sure that said yesterday that we should just watch him, right?"

Kagami grinned "Yeah, but it isn't fun when there is no physical interaction"

Aomine sighed with annoyance and threw the binocular on his hands at Kagami "Don't you ever get tired of being stupid?"

Kagami growled at Aomine and threw the binocular back "I don't want to hear that from you, Ahomine"

Akashi sighed "If we let this happen, would you stop dragging us around?"

Kagami nodded enthusiastically, the others just sighed and raised their hands hesitantly

Kagami grinned and said to huddled up and he told them about the plan

"Okay, we're good now" Kagami said cheerfully

"We're gonna get you Kuroko-kun" Riko said, half heartedly

"Wait for me Kurokocchi" Kise said, grinning at the figure of Kuroko from a distance

"Let's just go and stop ranting, it's getting annoying" Akashi said sighing in frustration

'READY OR NOT WE'RE GONNA GET YOU, KUROKO!!' Everyone thought well except Akashi, all Akashi thinks is that they are annoying brats...

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