Chapter 8

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The moment Kuroko disappeared behind the stage everybody or may I say the students created an uproar about Sakura being the principal's daughter, and them not knowing it. While this was happening, the GoM and the others stood up from their seats and headed for the backstage, knowing that Akashi and Kise is with them, they can enter the backstage without problem

Meanwhile on the other side.....

"Hahahaha!!" Tsubaki laughed while holding his stomach "Did you see their faces, man that was awesome"

Ray sighed "Aniki, shut up" making Tsubaki pout "You're so mean Ray" Tsubaki said draping his arms around Ray's shoulder

"But you got to admit that it was funny" Tsubaki said grinning

The others sighed "Just shut up, Tsubaki" Akihito said rubbing his forehead due to frustration

Tsubaki pouted then sulk in the corner of the room, making Kuroko sigh "OKAY! EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" he yelled while clapping his hands to get the others' attention

Everyone huddled and sit on the couch while Kuroko remain standing in the middle "Were you satisfied with today's performance?" Kuroko asked, crossing his arms while looking at his group

Tatsuya sighed and shook his head making Kuroko look at him "Why?" Kuroko asked

Tatsuya shrugged "I don't know, but for some reason I feel like we didn't do our best out there" he explained

Tamaki raised his hand "Me too, did you feel it?" He asked making everyone in the room look at him

"What do you mean?" Azusa asked looking perplexed

Tamaki sighed "The feeling of someone's eyes looking at you like it's looking at your very being. I felt it come from the crowd and it was really intense making my voice quiver a little" he stated "Someone was out there observing us, I don't know if it's a bad person or a good person but that stare makes me quiver" he continued

Ray hmm "Now that you think about, I felt it too while I was playing the piano" then Tatsuya raised his hand "Me too" then the others raised their hands as well

Kuroko stop moving for a moment and think and when he was about to say something a knock from the door interrupted him "Um... sir there are people here looking for you" a voice came from outside the door

Kuroko sighed "Let them in" he said and takes his jacket off and plopped down on the couch next to Tatsuya

As soon as the door opens the GoM and the others came in looking serious, well some of them are but most of them looked nervous "So..." Kuroko trailed off then stand up again opening his arms wide like he was asking for a hug "Welcome to our humble abode" he said and tip his body a little

Then suddenly Tamaki stood up and pointed at Akashi "AHH! IT'S HIM, I KNOW THAT IT WAS HIM!!" he yelled

"What him?" Kise asked, looking confused

"The one that stared at us, I know it's him because I can feel it" Tamaki said looking wary while hiding behind Kuroko

Kuroko raised an eyebrow and look at Akashi, silently asking a question.

Akashi sighed "I was observing your group of friends, you know that I'm like that to new people, my stare..." he trailed off "can be scary sometimes, you know that" he continued

"So what do you need?" Kuroko asked looking at them one by one

Before Akashi could open his mouth to respond, Kagami's big mouth spoke up "We want to play basketball against you" he said looking straight into Kuroko's eyes

"HA?!" The GoM and the others reacted, well except for Akashi, he just sighed and glare at Kagami

Aomine walked towards Kagami and smacked his head "What the hell are you saying?" he asked while glaring at Kagami

"That big mouth of yours will surely be your downfall" Riko added

The GoM and the others look at Akashi with begging eyes, making Akashi grit his teeth "Annoying brats" he muttered and turn towards Kuroko "There you have it, So?" He asked

Kuroko contemplated for a moment making everyone in the room gulp before Kuroko shrugged and agreed "What time and when?" He asked

"Tomorrow and 2:30 pm sharp" Kagami opened his big mouth again (A/N does anybody wants to punch Kagami because I do)

Midorima sighed and adjust his glasses "Shut your mouth Kagami"


Akashi took a deep breath and face away from Kagami while counting 1 to 10 all the while muttering "Don't get angry, if I get angry I'll kill him and if I kill him I'll get imprisoned and that's bad" Akashi murmured to himself before taking a deep deep breath before he turned around to face Kuroko and the others "Tomorrow at 2:00" he said

Kuroko shrugged "Yeah, do whatever you want, it's not like I'm playing" making Kagami jumped at him, not literally "WHAT!?" He yelled

"Tetsu only play with us" Akihito explained while observing each one of them thoroughly

"Why?" Hyuuga asked

Tsubaki shrugged while chewing a piece of gum "Don't know, ask him" he said while gesturing his head towards Kuroko

"Kuroko, just for tomorrow and then after that we'll leave you alone, we promise" Riko said while sighing

Kuroko huff and murmured "Promises are made to be broken, I learned that the hard way" while looking at a poster

"Come again?" Riko asked curiously

"Nothing" Kuroko said while looking straight into Riko's eyes making her fidget a little "So, what do you think? Are you gonna play or not?" Riko asked looking expectant

"Please say yes" Kagami together with Aomine and Kise prayed silently

Kuroko contemplated but ended sighing "Fine fine" he said and faced away from them

Azusa whistled "Wow, you made him agree" he said while clapping his hands dramatically

"So, you're gonna play?" Aomine asked slowly

Kuroko sighed feeling annoyed "Didn't I just say that, don't make me say it again"

Sakurai suddenly spoke startling everyone except Akashi and Kuroko "Am I gonna play?" He asked Kuroko

Kuroko nodded "Of course but will have to switch every now and then to give way for the others, kay?" He said looking at Sakurai reassuringly

Sakurai smiled "Okay" and sit down

Kuroko looked at GoM and the others "There you have it, you can go now"

"Are you kicking us out?" Satsuki asked feeling shock course through her body

Kuroko looked perplexed for a second before disagreeing "NO! It's just me and my team is tired and we really need to rest, see you tomorrow" he said

Satsuki just nodded and went out with the others, as the GoM and the others disappeared from sight all of them slumped back into the couches "Man, what a tiring day" Ray said draping his arms over his eyes

"Yeah" the others agree with him

"Get ready for a match tomorrow" Kuroko informed the others

"Don't worry, we'll practice a little before the game" Tatsuya reassured

Kuroko nodded "Good" and then lean back in the couch slowly relaxing and letting his consciousness drift into a total pit of darkness where there is serenity and peace

I guess I'm gonna play one more time... though I don't plan on losing but again the most important thing in playing basketball is to have fun...

Kuroko's last thoughts was that before he fell asleep with the others

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