Being Informed

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(Michael's POV)

For the past month I have been away from my pack. Usually the trips to others packs lasts around two weeks, however, my friend Oliver of the Earth pack needed my help after beating his deadbeat father and becoming Alpha of his pack.

Since yesterday my wolf has been urging me to return to my pack. As to my knowledge there is nothing wrong or an inking of trouble starting soon after checking in with my beta Benjamin and gamma Samuel.

Nevertheless, I know that I need to follow my instincts and hurry back to my pack. Due to this, I am currently running in my wolf form all night to be able to be back in my pack by morning.

I arrive in the middle of the night. After being able to sleep for a few hours, I call Benjamin and Samuel in for a meeting at first light.

Nothing out of the ordinary came out of Samuel's report, so I dismissed him to focus on Benjamin's report since my instincts told me that whatever he will say will be important.

My nerves being on edge so I sternly say one word-Report.

Sensing I was not to be trifle with right now, Benjamins says neutrally-As you know our last business manager quit last month to be with his human mate who lives across the country. Consequently, you instructed me to find his replacement. After a long search, I was not able to find a candidate who was a fit for the position. Therefore, during a meeting I asked our staff if they knew anyone who could be a potential fit. Does the name Helena Troy ring a bell?

Thinking through all our employees, it came to me who she was-The technology director. The only management figure who is a human. Let me guess she recommended another human?

He smirks-No, she recommended a female rogue wolf.

In shock I exclaim-A FEMALE ROGUE!

Benjamin smirking while he explains-Indeed, a female rogue. Obviously, you could imagine my surprise when I met her at the interview yesterday. She was a prefect fit for the position. After this I will give you the file with her information and resume as it is on my desk at the company. During the interview she told me her abusive father wanted to be alpha so created a pack before she was born. When she became eighteen she ran away from them with the help from the humans and became a successful businesswoman.

He exclaims-Want to know the saddest part?

Without giving me a chance to reply, he continues-Her father abused her to the point where she doesn't want to join another pack. When I told her that with your approval she can join our pack she downright refused. She told me that when she left her parents she vowed to never return to werewolf life since she doesn't want to be under a man's control ever again. 

Before he could continue I break in-Did you tell her that our pack is not like that? How our females are cherished and protected. 

Benjamin states-I did. Hopefully during the mandatory year in her contract, I am hoping we can change her mind about joining. We will need to be subtle since I told her that we will instruct the pack to mostly stay out of her way except at work. By the way, talking about her contract she wants in writing that she can leave in a year and not be forced to join the pack and that if her parents come for her we would not give her to them and protect her.

He looks me straight in the eye while saying-Something tells me that her place is in our pack. I would not even be surprised if she was your mate. My instincts are telling me that we need to protect and help heal her.

This gives me an opening to say-My wolf is anticipating something. Maybe she is the reason for that. With this in mind, I will interview her like I would any potential employee who will be working with me on a daily basis. Afterwards I will decide if we will keep her or not and what the best course of action would be.

Benjamin says-I figure you would want to meet with her before she signs the official contract. As a result, I made sure to have her as your first meeting on Monday.

For some reason, I feel like Monday will change my life forever. In what way I have no clue, but it looks like I will find out soon.

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