The Call

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(Penelope's POV)

After a long, fruitful day at her work at a Fortune 500 company on a Tuesday, Penelope Williams just desired to eat a fast supper and go to bed. However, before she went under the covers in her bed, her cell phone rings.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Before picking up, she glanced down at the phone screen to see the caller, which was her former coworker and friend Helena.


Helena-Hey. Hopefully I am calling you at an acceptable time and not too late since I just left work.

Penelope-You called at the right time, I was just heading to bed, but I can talk for a few minutes. What's up?

Helena rushes to explain and is a little desperate for Penelope to see her point of view-You know how I left the company and transferred to the elite and prominent company called Thomas International due to the fact that Thomas International had further business opportunities and it is easier to climb the ladder? Well, it has been going terrific here, so terrific, in fact, that I wished to share the experience with my dear friend. Which leads me to why I am calling you, Thomas International is looking for a new business director and during a meeting today asked us if we had any recommendations for the position. The chief operating officer (COO) who is conducting the interviews asked us today if we know anyone who could be a potential fit. As soon as he asked that I immediately thought of you as you have all the capabilities and assets they are looking for. (Mumbles and talks fast for this part)-So I wrote your name down for an interview.

Penelope shocked and angry-YOU WHAT!!! 

Helena is urging Penelope to consider the job proposition-I just thought you would be prefect for the job. Besides, just imagine if you are offered the job, it would be similar to how it used to be at the Fortune 500 company before I left. Me as the technology director and you as the business director. Working side by side to bring the company to new heights.

Penelope-Nevertheless, you still should have asked me for permission before submitting my name. Putting down my name for a job without my approval is way overstepping my boundaries. On the other hand, I miss you too, but I still would need time to deliberate on this. I appreciate that you thought of me, but ultimately this is an important life decision to shift companies.  

Helena tries a different approach to convince Penelope-Also, there is another benefit to note. Notwithstanding, the massive pay increase, respect the position has earned you, you would be required to move to work here, and I know the prefect place for you to settle down. My next door neighbor just put their house on the market. Furthermore, I know how much you yearn to find a place to settle down. Maybe this company and town will provide the perfect opportunity. 

Penelope is opening up to the idea-Maybe...

Helena knows she has Penelope halfway there to accepting the idea continues-First, you need to pass the interview. So, how about you just go to the interview and subsequently wait and see what happens before making any decisions.

Penelope considers this outlook and agrees-I give in to you. I do not see the harm in going for an interview. I am just concerned that this job opportunity is too perfect to be true, especially since I did not fully research this myself.

Helena excited -Yay, having know you for a while now I know you will be up all night researching everything there is to know about the job and the company.

After agreeing to go for an interview, Helena and Penelope finish up their conversation. Before going to bed Penelope researched everything she can on Thomas International. Once a couple of hours have flown by Penelope realizes how late it is and heads to bed and falls asleep immediately.

The next morning while getting ready for work Penelope phone rings.

Ring, Ring, Ring. Penelope too tired to look at the caller id, says a sleepy hello.

Unknown male caller-Hello, is this Penelope Williams?

Penelope is wondering who is calling her this early in the morning-It is. May I ask who is calling?

Unknown male caller-My name is Benjamin Bark. I am the chief operating officer (COO) at Thomas International. I am calling in regards to potentially interviewing you for our open business director position. Our technology director Helena Troy recommended you for the position. 

Penelope surprised that they are calling so soon-Yes, she called me last night to tell me she submitted my name. Following the conversation we had last night and the research I did on the company, I am open to the idea of interviewing for the potential position.

Benjamin-I am pleased to hear that. Would it be possible to schedule the interview for this coming Friday at eight in the morning?

Penelope-That should work. 

Benjamin-Wonderful, I look forward to seeing you at 8am on Friday. Have a nice day.

Once they finished the conversation, both hanged up their phones. The outcome of the conversation was that they made arrangements for the job interview and the date and time is set.

(In her head)-Who knows, this job interview might change my life.

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