Making Plans

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(Penelope's POV)

As soon as I was able too, I hightailed it out of there. I needed fresh air to calm down and process everything that just occurred. While waiting outside for a cab to pick me up and bring me to Helena's house, I used the time to compose myself for the most part after a quick prep talk. 

(Inside my head)-Everything will be alright. There is no other option. Since there is no going back now. Now, I must move forward and ensure that I am successful in my time here and that I remain hidden from my mate who also is my boss. Right now, he doesn't know I am his mate and I will do everything in my power to ensure he doesn't find out. We managed through the first meeting unscathed, we can surely achieve the same for the rest of the year. 

After getting inside the cab, I tried to utilize my time in the car efficiently. 

(Inside my  head)-Deep breaths Penelope. Think of it as one step at a time. Let's make a checklist of everything that needs to be done immediately.

Put in my two week notice.

Arrange to view Helena's neighbor's house.

If Helena's neighbor's house works put in an offer and if not find other available properties to view.

Pack up my house and find a realtor to put it on the market.

Hire a moving company.

Cross country road trip to move here with Helena. So research best travel destinations and hotels.

Clean the new house and unpack.

Become situated with everything involved in my new position.

Think of ways to evade my mate as much as possible while working for him and living in the same area. 

Once I finished the list, I sarcastically think-This is going to be easy-peasy. 

Before realistically thinking-Yeah, right. However, I am a strong independent woman and I can do anything I set my mind too. 

With this thought in mind, after paying for the cab I exit and turn to the right to go to Helena's neighbor's house.

Looking at the realtor's sign, I pick up my phone and dial the number.

After a few rings, a lady's voice answers-Howl for Homes Realtor Group, this is Brenda Storms speaking. How may I help you?

I reply-Hello. I am Penelope Williams. 

Before I can anything further, she says-I just received the email about you!

In shock I say-Excuse me?

She replies-The Alpha just sent out a pack message that you will be staying here and unless we work directly with you at Thomas International or have your permission except in cases of emergencies we are to stay away from you. 

Continuing she says-As for the email, my group is the official housing placement for the area. That way we can keep the houses in the area for the pack and if humans who do not work for Thomas International find the houses we can discourage them. He sent the email telling me to expect you since he figured you wanted the house next to Helena Troy's as the both of you are friends. Was he correct?

A little put off I say-He is. Can you tell me why the previous owners left?

She replies-Nothing sinister caused them to leave in any case the reason was joyous. Their only son and his mate just welcomed their first child. While the house is still in the pack territory it is close to the end, and as their son lives more in the center they wanted to be closer. Once the house next to their son's became available they moved in. If you wanted, I can arrange for you to meet them when I show you the house?

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