After The Interview

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(Penelope's POV)

Following our discussion, Benjamin leads me out of his office and we move our separate ways after exchanging goodbyes. Before heading to Helena's office I stand in the hallway in a daze as it hits me what I just agree too. A couple of minutes later, still in shock I walk on autopilot down the hall and into Helena's office.

Upon taking one glance at my overwhelmed face, Helena's secretary Tess Johnson heads to the back to alert Helena.

Immediately once I sat down in the waiting area, Helena pulls me up and takes me back into her office.

Due to my present astounded state, Helena hugs me and quickly guides me to the couch to sit. 

Once they both sat down, Helena turns to face her and says-Spill. What on earth happened in there? Due to the fact that you look like someone kicked your puppy.

(In her head)-More like my wolf. I can't believe I agreed to live near a pack again for Helena's sake. Undoubtedly, I know they will badger me to join the pack, which is not what I desire to ever happen again. Also, what if a male in the pack is my mate? If that is the case the agreement I have with the Alpha is null and void since the male mate has the automatic right to bring the female mate into his pack with or without her approval. Pretty much everything I have accomplished for myself would be for nothing if that happens.

Seeing Penelope become more stressed as time went on Helena shakes her to try to bring her back to the present and out of her head.

While the shaking had a tiny impact, Helena tries screaming to snap her out of it-Penelope!

Hearing her name causes Penelope to jerk, which helps brings her back into focus to where she can say-What?

Helena in concern says-Your mind went out for a minute there. Right this minute you need to tell me what happened. Since I'm starting to become extremely worried.

Penelope in a mild tone says-If the CEO after meeting with me in a little over than a week approves of me, the job will be mine.

Smiling a little at hearing her success, Helena says-Why are you acting like that is so horrible?

(In her head)-Unquestionably, I can't tell her what is truly running through my head due to the fact that she has no idea that her friend is a runaway werewolf.

So all I can say out loud is-During the interview we talked a little about my past. Obviously, you know I do not like talking or even thinking about it. 

Hearing her words, Helena draws her in for another hug. Once they separate she ensures that Penelope is looking her in the eye as she says these words-I will not ask since I know you do not like talking about your past. However, if you do feel like talking about it I will always be here to listen.

Touched by her words all Penelope can say is-Thank you.

Trying to move the conversation to a new topic Penelope says-Just so you know my contract is only for a year. Afterwards I was thinking that we both should find a new company so we can still work together and settle down there.

Shocked by her words all Helena can say is-Why? This is an excellent company to work for and originally I had the impression that you liked the area so far.

Trying to dig herself out of a hole she says-Admittedly, I do like the area so far. In fact it is one of the reasons why I agreed to the job offer besides working with you. However, I just feel like somewhere else would be more suitable. Nevertheless, we could utilize this year to work together again while researching places that offer up both our positions.

Shaking her head since Helena knows she is not getting the entire truth, and doubts she will ever find out. All she can say is-In time I believe you would particularly surprise yourself on how much you like it here once you give it a chance. Moreover, with that thought in mind let's compromise. You will give this place and company a chance. For my side of the bargain, I will join you on the job search if you do not like it here, that way by the conclusion of your contract we both can choose what is best for us. Regardless we will be friends no matter our locations.

Smiling at Helena's words all Penelope can say is-Okay. 

Before she forgets, Penelope asks-By the way can I stay at your house for the week? Since I do not feel like flying out for a few days and subsequently having to hop on a plane to come back to meet with the CEO. Besides I did not utilize my vacation for the last two years so I feel that they owe me a week off and I can always work remotely from my laptop and cell phone if need be. Consequently, if I the CEO approves me in a week they will need to learn to manage without me.

Helena leaps into action and says-Absolutely you can stay at my place. Besides there is no need to ask since your always welcome. Anyways, this gives us time for me to show you a few places that you will love around here. First, I need to show you...

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