Moving On

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(Penelope's POV)

The next two weeks flew by with everything she needed to complete in order to prepare for the move. Immediately upon returning home, she went straight to work on packing up her belongings, finding a realtor to put the house on the market, and securing a moving company. When she was not busy with the house, she worked long into the night to finish up the remaining work she had for the company before she left. Any spare time left she allocated to looking up travel destinations for the road trip with Helena.

The last day of her work with the Fortune 500 company was yesterday. Surprisingly, she felt bittersweet with leaving instead of ecstatic, which she thought would be her main emotion. Upon reflecting she realized she felt this way due to the fact that this company was the one that took a chance on her. Without this company she would have never met Helena Troy or had the opportunity to work at Thomas International. Working at the company showed her that she was truly capable of more than being a submissive she-wolf whose place was in the kitchen and taking care of the pups. 

For that she will always be grateful to the company. Now, she has one more heart-wrenching goodbye left. Earlier, she arranged with Helena to meet her outside Patricia's Diner since she wanted to leave as soon as possible afterwards. She would rather rip the band aid off and leave than sit around for a while and reflect on everything she is leaving behind.

Walking into Patricia's Diner for the last time in a while, was similar to how she felt when she stepped into the diner the first time. Feelings of despair and loneliness were apparent as she sat down at her usual table.

Similar to the first time, Patricia puts a hot chocolate in front of her before sitting down and says-Why the miserable face, buttercup?

Sadly I say-I will truly miss every person here after I leave. I wouldn't even have this opportunity if you never took a chance on me and taught me everything I needed to adjust to my new surroundings.

Sincerely I state-I can never properly explain how truly appreciative I am that you open your heart to a soaking wet young girl all alone with little chance of a positive future.

Smiling with all the grandmotherly wisdom, Patricia says-We will all miss you too. From the minute I first saw you I knew you had a bright future ahead of you. All you needed was a little help to set you on that path. 

Warmly Patricia says-Undoubtedly you are a strong, brilliant, and capable young lady. Do not let anyone put you down or convince you otherwise. 

Compassionately Patricia says-While I would have loved for you to remain in the area, I always knew your place lied elsewhere. Genuinely, I believe you will find your place and happiness if you remain on this path. Hopefully, this is your final destination. If you will only open your heart and take a chance. Obviously, I know that it is terrifying especially with your past, but not everywhere or anyone is the same as your past.

Grabbing her hand, Patricia says-For me, please try to open your heart. While I would not accept any payment for everything I have done for you, to one day hear you are truly jubilant and carefree will satisfy any debt you feel you owe me.

Before responding, I squeeze her hand and say-I will try. Ultimately, I feel that I will be spending the next year fighting with part of myself which makes me feel lonelier than ever. Occasionally, I wish that my past did not have as strong of a hold on me. Without it I might not be the person I am today, but every so often I wish I could open myself from this need to hide.

Patricia advises-Take it one day at a time. One person at a time. Hopefully during this year, you will find you do not need to hide yourself anymore.

After saying those words, Patricia stands up and states-Now, do not be a stranger. Keep in touch. Also, the next time you come here there must be a positive improvement in your attitude since I truly hate it when you are down. This is not a goodbye, so perk up. Unquestionably, we will meet again one day. I love and will miss you my dear grandchild.

Before saying anything else, I stand up so that I can rush into her arms to hug her tightly before saying-Do not worry, I will come back someday.  I will try to uphold our weekly phone call rituals. I love and will miss you grandma. 

Before leaving the diner, I made sure to say goodbye to a few regulars and hug goodbye my employee friends. 

With that being done, I take a couple of deep breathes to compose myself so I can put on a brave face.

Upon exiting the door, I spotted Helena leaning against her car. Once I am in front of her, Helena says-Are you ready to leave?

Determinedly, I say-No. However, I know it is time for me to move on.

After I say those words, I enter the car and close my eyes so I cannot look back. Leaving a part of my past behind to hopefully move into a brighter future. 

(Hi Everyone. I hope you all like the chapter. I am sorry that it took me so long to update. I had personal and family matters that got in the way of me writing. Luckily, I was able to find the time to uphold the tradition of updating on my birthday since it is officially after midnight. The next update probably will not be until May.)

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