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(Ending of last chapter)-Benjamin uses his left arm to take off a bracelet on his right arm. All of a sudden I smell that he is a beta werewolf.

Instantly I move back in horror and shock.

Calmly he states-We need to talk about a rogue being on our territory.

(Penelope's POV)

(Inside her head)-There is nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. Clearly, I should have noticed something was up when he locked the door. Obviously, I am not unintelligent nor suicidal to try to attempt to leave. Undoubtedly, I know he would easily beat me in a fight or outrun me. So what do I do? What do I tell him?

Seeing Penelope panicking to the point of having a panic attack he decides he will talk first in the attempt to calm her down.

Calmly he states-Calm down. There is nothing for you to worry about. Fortunately for you, the Howl Pack accepts rogues into the pack once they have been thoroughly vetted by the Alpha. Also, even if you were not accepted unless you were a truly horrible violent person we do not kill at first. We would just let you go and if you come back at that point we would be required to utilize the drastic measures.

He continues-From hearing a little of your story I can tell you would probably be easily accepted into the pack. However, I need to hear your full story.

Angrily she says-What if I do not desire to be in your pack or any pack?

In shock he says-Excuse me?

She retorts-You heard me. Why do you think I have been living as a human all this time if I can go to a pack that accepts rogues?

He takes a deep breath before saying-How about you tell me the whole story so I can understand why you do not wish to be in a pack?

Thinking deeply for a minute she responds-I will tell you my story, but in return you must answer all my questions to the best of your ability.

He smiles-Fine.

(In her head)-I can't tell him the whole truth. However, I can't tell him all lies either since the higher wolves know instantly if someone is flat out lying to them. Also, I can't give him any details as to who my parents truly are or they will ship me off to them or bring them here and they will drag me back.

After putting her thoughts together she tells her tale-As you know my father was a dominant hot-headed werewolf. So you can assume he would not like following orders from an alpha so he decided to become one himself and for anyone who would follow him. Furthermore, my mother was beaten down and submissive to him so did nothing but follow his lead. Ultimately, I know nothing about their pasts since I was born afterwards. When I was eighteen I immediately ran from him and received help from a human. As for my parents, I do not keep track of them, but I can hopefully assume they met a deadly end as like you said they were the type to be truly horrible violent people. Since my family were never satisfied with what they have so would probably have attacked other packs.

She takes a deep breath and continues-As for myself, once I left my family I vowed to never go back to werewolf life. Consequently, I would never put myself under anyone and especially a man. Since I first entered the human world I have done amazing for myself. During that time I became educated, obtained an amazing job, and most importantly my own friends some of whom I consider family.

Once she has told her tale, she tells him-Now you have heard my story it is your turn to answer my questions.

He is caught a little off guard that she wants to immediately go to her questions, but he can't refuse. So he nods and beckons her to ask away.

She points to his bracelet-What is that?

He laughs-This is a gift for the Alpha and I from the witches near our pack who we are on friendly terms with. Ultimately it comes to that our wolves are too dominant. Since this company is a front and money maker for the pack we work directly with humans and as you know hire some humans. Just in case you did not know the CEO is the alpha, I am the beta, and the gamma takes care of the pack while we are gone. Before the bracelets the humans were unsettled with the strong dominance and aggression coming off the Alpha and I. Also due to some people's incompetence we had a difficult time keeping our wolves under control. So the witches crafted us a bracelet that would make it seem like we were human and dull, but not eliminate our wolves powers. Furthermore, they made the bracelet to where we can easily remove it and immediately our full powers will come back.

She smirks-Would you tell me where those witches are? Since I would not mind having one of them.

He frowns-No. These are made for people with extremely strong wolves and for short-term use. I can tell you have a strong wolf, but if the wolf is too weak and you use this it will kill your wolf and you instantly. Additionally that applies to the usage. The Alpha and I only wear it during working hours and alternate breaks to where we travel to other packs so we do not need to wear it. That is where the Alpha is right now. If we wore it 24/7 soon enough it would be harmful for us. Since our wolves need the break times before wearing it again.

She pouts-Fine. I will not try to acquire one.

(In her head)-Even through it would be easier to hide as a human and from my former pack. However, as I do not desire instant death if my wolf is too weak, I will just keep doing what I have been doing.

Out loud she says-Can you tell me about your pack?

He smiles-The Howl Pack covers the entire West Coast of the United States. However, we are based in Olympic, Washington where Thomas International and the main pack houses are. Some of the human employees like Helena live in the outskirts of the town away from the pack houses, which is why it took you a half hour to get here. Due to the large size, the Alpha Michael Thomas appointed leaders in each area who report directly to him everyday.

He continues-Most importantly for you to know is we do not treat females how you were treated. While male wolves are still held in higher esteem, it does not mean that males in this pack need to treat females like they are less than them. If an adult male wolf hurts a female wolf it is basically an automatic sentence of being kicked out of the pack. Since this pack has no tolerance for women or child abusers.

He finishes-While the decision is ultimately not up to me, I believe you should truly consider joining the pack. Since with my recommendation and once the Alpha hears your story I know he would accept you into this pack.

Sternly she says-No. I will not consider joining your pack.

He comes back with-Are you still planning on joining this company? Let me say you are not required to join the pack to work at this company. The Alpha and I will tell the pack about you so they do not think you are an intruder. The pack will mostly stay away from you if you wish for it to be that way. I say most since the majority of the employees are members of the pack and you might develop friendships with them. Also before you outright refuse, think of Helena. Since she was leaping at the chance to work with you again. The contract is only for the mandatory year. Consider the benefits of working here. You will have a higher position at a prestigious company, which will look good on future resumes. Also, this gives you the opportunity to watch our pack and see if you desire to join in the future.

He pauses before his saying his final point-Additionally, this pack can protect you from rogues or your family if they come for you while your in our territory.

Thinking deeply on everything he said and weighing the pros and cons before saying-Do I have your word that I will not be forced to join the pack if I choose not too and I can leave peacefully once the year is up? Also, if my family comes for me your pack will not give me to them and protect me from them? Just so you know I would require this to be in writing in my contract.

He just watches her for a minute before saying-If it were up to me I would immediately tell you yes. However, it is the Alpha's word. Fortunately, I do not see there being a problem. Just so you know you would be signing the contract with him when he comes back in a little over than a week.

She heard the sincerity in his words and saw it in his eyes. So she says-I will join the company for the year if he agrees.

(Happy Halloween! Thank you for the over 500 reads.)

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