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(Penelope's POV)

This week has gone by so fast. Undoubtedly, sensing my anxiety for the Monday meeting, Helena has made sure to show me all the best places nearby to keep my mind off the meeting.

Now it is the night before the meeting and I am standing in front of the bathroom mirror giving myself a prep talk.

Out loud to myself-Everything will be alright. The magic is working. I will not find my mate in this pack, if I do, he will not be able to find me since I WILL NOT let him touch me. This job is only for a year. Then I will convince Helena to join me in a move to an all human company and town.

Feeling semi-calm, I head to bed. Where I toss and turn all night due to the fact that my body senses something important is about to happen and change everything.

Once the alarm goes off at 6am, I head out of bed. Before heading to the shower, I head to the closet to pick out my outfit for the day. Due to the fact that I am meeting an Alpha, potentially unmated, I am dressing as conservative as possible. Finally spotting a white turtleneck, which I can pair with white business jacket, white dress pants, and white flats.

With that decided, I undress and head into the shower. After showering, doing hair and makeup, and brushing my teeth, I put on the clothes. 

Glancing at the clock where it shows it is 6:30, I know I must head downstairs soon. Before leaving the guest room, I double check that I have everything for the day. With that done, I head downstairs.

Where Helena greets me with her bright smile and a cheery-Good Morning! 

Without letting me return the greeting, she continues speaking-Since you have your important meeting with the CEO today, I decided to cook you breakfast.

With her words, I feel awful for what I am about to say-Truly, I appreciate you taking the time and effort to cook me breakfast this morning. However, my nerves are completely shot as a result of my dread and anticipation for this meeting. If I eat anything I am afraid I will be sick. 

Helena's face falls before saying-It is alright. I completely understand. Do you want me to grab you any medicine from the medicine cabinet?

Full of gratitude for my friend I say-No, I do not need any medicine. I just want to say that you are the best.

Smiling again, she jokes-Well, there was no doubt about that!

Her response causes me to laugh and I can feel my nerves lessening a bit.

Seeing the tiny smile on my face, gives Helena an idea-Since we still have a half hour before we need to head out. How about we spend this time watching funny YouTube videos? On my recommend I have funny Michelle videos from Full House. The video clips are both funny and adorable.

Still feeling terrible about the wasted breakfast, I say-Put it on.

After spending a half hour watching the YouTube clips, I feel a bit better. However, I know my nerves will flare up as soon as we arrive at the company.

Before heading out, Helena makes sure all the doors are locked before the both of us head to the car. After getting in the vehicle, we are off to Thomas International. 

During their journey, there was traffic, so they arrive at Thomas International at 7:45. Since my meeting is with the CEO at 8, Helena finds the closet parking spot to the door and we exit the vehicle and fast walk to the door. 

After Helena uses her employee key to open the door, we enter the building at 7:50. Where it appears that there is way more people in the lobby then last time.

Seeing the surprise look on my face, Helena remarks-Whenever the CEO is in the building, there are substantially more people. Thus, I jokingly call it his entourage. 

Upon hearing her words, I look closely at the people in the lobby. A few scream pack warriors. The rest are pack members. With a few scattered humans.

Guessing why I am observing the people closely, she says-Obviously, you have all the time to check out the hot guys after your meeting with the CEO and he hires you.

Laughing I say-Unfortunately, I wasn't checking out the guys. Instead, I was just getting a feel for who works here.

The both of us head towards the elevator where there is a crowd of people waiting. After standing in line for a few minutes, we board the elevator and after a few stops on different floors, we exit the elevator on the correct floor.

Glancing at her watch where it shows its 7:55, Helena directs me to the furthest door on the right.

Before making her way to her office where she has a 8am meeting, she says to me-You will be great. There is nothing to worry about. Let me know later how it goes. 

With a quick hug and a good luck, she heads towards her office.

Now that I do not have Helena's presence distracting me, my nerves are once again at the forefront of my mind. Moreover, my wolf is full of anticipation. She wants me to open the door already.

After taking a quick calming breath to settle myself, I open the door to the waiting room.

Where a young, college aged, black male greets me-Hello, You must be Penelope Williams. My name is Kevin Smith. I am Mr. Thomas's personal assistant. When he came in this morning, he told me that as soon as you arrive you can go in.

He directs me to the doors behind him. Knowing that my life might change as soon as those doors open, I take another quick calming breath before opening the doors.

Upon opening the doors, the smell hits me of vanilla, cherries, and books. Unquestionably, the most amazing and comforting smell in the world. The smell of my mate.

The impact of the smell hits me to where I am bent over for a minute. After picking my head up, I am met with the most handsome men looking at me in concern. He looks about my age of 25, over six feet tall, Caucasian, extremely muscular, brown hair, and brown eyes. 

He opens his mouth to speak in a deep, powerful voice, says-Are you okay, Miss. Williams?

The only word going through my mind is my wolf chanting-Mate, Mate, Mate....

(Going to end it on a cliff hanger. What do you think she is going to say? The next update probably won't be until before my birthday on April 21. I like doing an update as my gift to all of you. However, the week of my birthday is the week before final's week where all the teachers like giving assignments. So if I do not update then, it will be in the first week of May.)

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