31. Hero Agency

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People on the comment section had been saying ALABAMA a lot lately so I searched what the expression meant. Although I have an assumption but I needed confirmation to be sure. Lmao.

Bring me my  joy stick drench with hoeleh water. Please. Everyone who said that, line up, imma spank yah butts. 😃😃😃🏑🏑🏑


Reaching Hosu, Y/n and Iida finally got out of the station. The girl looked around the premise, familiarising the area she'll be interning soon while Iida walked with her quieter than usual.

The girl turn to him, sighing helplessly as the selfless classmate of hers doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon. She wanted to speak with him more, but surely, he wouldn't even put her words into heart so the best choice is just let him take in what emotions are currently plaguing his chest and let him fix his composures for himself.

Sighing, she turned to the busy city again. If she finds the hero killer faster, she'll  have to take it upon herself to make sure Iida wouldn't run into that person anymore while he's in the state of irrationality. That's the only way she'd be able to help him.

She's known more people like these back in her home. Being in fear, too much panic, emotional and ambiguous. Whenever faced with something that triggers their emotional state they don't even think of the consequences and leaving a high probability to do some mistakes.

The two soon separated to an intersection. Y/n having to go to the other side of the street and Iida on the opposite.

Looking at the address and asking around the streets, the girl managed to find the so called agency she'll be interning on.

Geared with her brief case and a bag of packed clothes, she made her way through the door. Opening it to find herself inside a library. Midway of her entrance, she stopped and looked at the address again.

It was correct.

Then she turned back to the library with a confused look and made her way in without a choice looking around.


An orange tabby cat purred under her feet, rubbing its small soft orange fur to Y/n's leg. Y/m found that adorable as she herself is fascinated with cats because of Shinso, however, the playful cat suddenly clawed her leg.

Surprised from the cat's behaviour. Y/n jumped away from her and watched the cat walked away from her, with big wide eyes and agape mouth, the former soldier could only watch it disappearing into thin air.

This is even more baffling than the talking cute principal!

"Right. Our intern is here." Another low calm voice spoke just by the counter on the other side making her abruptly turn to the said direction. From there, piles of book fell to the other direction as the person buried within them raise from his graveof literacies. Her e/c eyes meeting hazel irises looking back at her, bringing out a hand out of his galaxy designed blanket, waving. "Heya intern. Welcome to Xythe's hero agency." He sheepishly greeted with a yawn.

"Ah... uhmm..." Y/n blanked out for seconds before giving the hero her typical military salute.

The young man smiled, fixing his large semi square glasses, waving a hand to the younger female. "That's cute." He hummed. An open book raised to his other hand. "I bet you're tired from the trip and consoling your friend."

"No, not really, sir."

"Your room is on the second floor. Find the book from the fourth shelf on the forth column with the title: 'AOT' and read it out loud." He explained. "And if you need anything just open the blank book on the lamp table and write it down."

Heroic Warrior(BnhaXReader!!Aot Soldier)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora