44. Finding Comfort

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Y/n woke up that night in the hospital bed. Her body was sore, feeling incredibly feverish and nauseaous.

But more than anything, she felt lifeless. Killing Reiner would've probably been a satisfying thought but at the same time she's relieved to know that the inconsistent bastard was caught.

Lifting herself with the strength left in her body, she sat up and looked around the dark room.

It was familiar. She almost wanted to laugh over the fact that when she came into this world for the first time, she was hospitalized as well. And now that she thought about it, she just recently came back from her world this time around again and was once again hospitalized the same day.

It was exactly the end of internship days so Y/n didn't have time to do an actualy internship. When she went back to the agency, she didn't even caught glimpse of her mentor, unable to thank and apologize to him.

Hatter was the one who welcomed her back in the agency and walked her to the station after having tea with him. He explained to her that the hero recieved a confidential assignment so he didn't even get the chance to wait for her to wake up but did left a message to 'stay positive' is what the sidekick had relayed.

Although confused, Y/n simply gave a nod before they separated on the train station.

The girl had been feeling down too. Althought that goodbye with the people on her world was kinda peaceful, it's still depressing to know that she will not be seeing them again unless she finds a way to do so.

Sighing, she stared blankly at the window and watched herself getting far from Hosu. The entire time she began reflecting over the passed week on what she did. To think that her 3 days of disappearance only took a day and a half when she came back.

She then turned to her fist that was laying on the window. It has been clenched eversince she had a mental flashback of her last night in her home.

The hug with levi that lasted only a few minutes felt like an incomplete blanket of warmth. Just imagining how brief that meeting was made her heart hurt depite knowing that her brother wasn't angry at her. Her hand then moved to her neck that was still wrapped in bandage until to the joints of her shoulder.

To think that the injury the nomu did didn't heal yet... she began to rub her neck lightly, feeling the wave of pain the healing wound gave when she touched it.

Her healing ability isn't working again. Maybe it had something to do with her mental fortitude. She started speculating for a reason to her unresponsive regenerative ability. But the only thing she could think of is her emotional state. If not, then she had no other idea.

Sighing, the girl closed her eyes for a moment. It would be nice if she can dream being with her family. She didn't even have a time to mourn for her father's death that it hurt more.

Kenny might've been absent during the years. But the connection and gratitude she had for that man who didn't let her die, rather, entrusted her to someone he knew that would take care of her was still there. He also did took care of her for three years-- when she was born until she was three-- and came to secretly visit her without levi knowing because he said not to tell him so.

Y/n's vague memory of her father's back that was always leaving...

Although that stopped when she was seven, it's still a precious thought. And she loves her father dearly and unconditionally.

Knowing these, she had a lot of regrets again.

Holding her head in frustration, she let out a light groan. She wanted to be alone for a while. She needed to think, but that doesn't seem to be a plausible idea...

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