05. Lunch

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Y/n, fulfilling the end of the deal really stuck up to poor Bakugo. One of those events is today. Their given lunch break.

They lined up for lunch... together. Ordered the same meal... together. Sat on some empty chair... together. Finally, eating that meal... together.

"Say, Blondie, why is your food preference spicy?" She asked.

Bakugo who was peacefully eating his meal, glared at her. "My quirk is from the nitroglycerin that I sweat in my palms." He replied. A surprising reply that he's actually this calm when talking to her.

She nodded to the information. "So, this nitroglycerin is what makes explosions from your palms, huh." She says, mentally noting the new findings in her head.

"Now you have my trivia, how about you tell what the fuck was yours?" He asked back.

She took another spoonful fro. Her meal and nodded. "Well let's see here... I don't really know but when I cut any part of my body, it grows back within hours. But I don't know why. The crystals forming in my skin were part of the defense mechanism of that too, but not anyone can just do it." She explained hers as well.

"You got fucking mutilated? And it grows back? Are you a fucking mollusc?" He asked, almost spitting off the food when she explain that.

"No. But, I see some does..." she stopped, covering her mouth as she grabbed the nearest water--Bakugo's water-- and drank.

"The hell, ceiling bitch! Get your own water!" The male exclaimed, seeing her fan herself with her hands.

"I may have been experienced in battle but... damn I wasn't experienced in your tastebuds." She comaplained.

"Who told you to eat the same food as mine?" Amused by seeing her suffering from 'king explosion murder's specials' made him snort. Feeling proud that the girl who kept beating him was now defeated with his meal preference. "Weakling." He huffed.

She gave back the same arrogant demeanor. "Don't get too cocky. I can get used to this food in no time." She took another bite. Pretending that the heat wasn't affecting her the least, but her red cheeks says otherwise.

The young blonde laughed. Something really rare of him to do while watching her bear with the taste. Her sweat already trickling from her forehead as some strands of e/c hair on her face started sticking.

"You sure are enjoying my pain, blondie." The girl gave him a glare.

"I sure am." He agreed, tossing her the extra milk cartoon he has. So to say, he knew this would happen. So he bought two.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Milk, idiot."

The girl stared at the pack, confused how she would get the milk off of that complicated package. She turns it over and over, observing each length, the width, the heave... almost everything. Bakugo could already see each and every equation on her head while she stared at the package he gave.

"Are you... did you perhaps lived in a fucking rock or underground?" He asked.

She abruptly turned to him wide eyed. "Y-you... how did you know about that?" She asked surprised.

Same shocked expression visited the blonde when she asked that. It onlý meant to be an expression, some kind of joke. But why the hell was she seriously asking him that? Did she really lived underground?

"I... I can tell how you... fucking lacked common knowledge." He admitted. Grabbing the milk carton back, took the straw attached to it and impaled it to the target circular foil on top of the milk. "Now that... is how you open it." He returned the milk back.

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