42. Armors

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Loud bangings, tall buildings harshly damaged into an abandoned ruins and strong winds gushing from each arch where the hits would pass by.

A roar that was let out sets shivers down from ones' spine as the cry impersonates that of a beast showing its undented pride.

That giant in an armor as hard as a rock earned cracks from his face but expressionless as he had always been, he turned to the female who watched his every move.

Crystal-like e/c irises unblinking. Her body firm with her crystal skin crawling up her skin leaving the joints bare to allow her motions.

This is what Reiner feared that he'd see. Y/n, slowly succeeding from the real form of her own titan. Unbreakable and untouchable by any titan who oppose great threat to her. They've already lost the founding titan and now Y/n's getting the hang of her own power.

It couldn't be any worse.

Once again the two continued their hand to hand MMA fight. Y/n, being advantageous to this fight was able to make Reiner kneel on the ground once again with her counters. Grabbing one of his hand as she made him fall flat on the floor, stepping on his back as she pulled the arm forcefully behind.

The hard rock armor in his arm colliding to his shoulder began to crack as the expressionless giantess ripped off his arm.

Gasped were heard from the heroes as she nonchalantly tossed the severed arm away to the side, smokes began to emit from the arm and to the joint where it was detached. No blood streaming on the ground and no pained scream came out from her enemy which is oddly out of character for anyone who had their arms ripped off.

His other arm covered his nape. Struggling from below Y/n who still stepped on his back pushed him down even more. The pressure started causing for the ground to earn cracks. Water began to spray out like a fountain from the water posts the more damage they made.

"This is going to be a lot of responsibilities young man. Can you even afford this?" Gran Torino spoke after the astonishing silence of the group watching this scenario.

The heroes remained closeby to ensure that they could assist Y/n if things went out of hand. The injured hero, Native and Iida were firstly to be taken to a safe area with the young interns who hesitated to go. But having no choice but to obey their mentors, they carried the two injured and took them to the closest medics.

The old man looked at Phantasma-- well to be precise, where Phantasma was supposed to be but was not there.

"Hm?" Endeavour wondered as well. The shabby looking hero whom Y/n was interning for was gone from where he stood. But when they looked further behind, he was intensely looking at his leather book.

Feeling the stares bruning holes through him, he put his book down and looked at some pair of eyes watching him.

"What's the name of your agency?" Endeavour suddenly asked.

"Xythe's hero agency." The young man replied.

No one has ever heard of that agency before. Even Manual who established his own agency in Hosu didn't know. The outright 'never heard of you' look clearly showed up in everyone's expression.

The young Hero chuckled. "Well obviously. It doesn't have to be known to operate." He only told them before turning back to the book.

"An unknown hero like you taking responsibility for this damage would end up getting bankrupt." Endeavour spoke. But thinking about it, why would that promising kid with probably hundreds of internship offers chose this nobody to intern in? Unless he pulled some strings to be able to do so. He might have a connection to other heroes as well if that's the case.

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