37. Stargazing

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Attendance check, I guess?

Ahh... the vapor rub is making me high. Let's sniff sum more. 😌👌











It took a few minutes until the two reached the castle. A cue where Y/n had to wake him up. So he did, walking out of the carriage first before her.

She followed ahead, not wanting to stall the time meeting this said 'queen' they were talking about.

Y/n never heard that the king ever had one, not any controversy pertaining to a future queen either.

Now Y/n began to wonder how long she's been away from here. Is the time period different here from back in the world quirks existed? If so, then it's understandable how things have been here.

For months, a lot of things had changed that she's wondering what happened and why were the transition so fast.

Reclaiming wall maria this early just after the breach of trost was also a surprise.

But it is possible. Especially because Eren was there to help out. She started thinking about him now, wondering how he's been. One of the people she cared about through out their years as trainees. Probably one of the most well hidden secret she's ever had. Not even Levi knew of it nor did anyone knew about it because surely, it might flip their entire friends' shits if they ever knew.

Thinking about it, how did they even started?

It might have been that one night Y/n started stargazing on a tree trunk, watching a number of boys sneaking out of their quarters when they were still at the beginning of training.

At that time, Eren kept falling off balance and recieved quite an outburst from the commandant, Shadis. So that night, together with Armin, Reiner and Bertoldt, they went to help him practice.

Y/n just watched him kept flunking off and hitting his head on the ground that she was already covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing. After a few more, her laughter finally subsided, getting used to the unending fall and now her gaze subbed to pity.

"You know, if you keep letting your head get beaten like that, I don't think you'll still have the proper mentality to balance yourself." She said from the trees.

The four looked around, surprised from the girl who spoke and started searching through the dim night. She sighed and jumped down the tree, finally revealing herself as she walked closer.

"It's odd that you can't even balance. Even a kid could do it." She said.

"I'm trying! I tried their advise but whatever I do, it just kept on flunking!" Eren complained.

"Can you stand in one foot?" She asked.

The young brunette frowned, still hanging uoside down from where he fell. "Of course I can!"

"Can you walk on straight lines?" She asked again.


"Then it is probably not you." She shrugged. Pulling him back up with his collar.

"W-what the hell are you doing?" Eren asked surprised.

"Well, if you kept hanging on that way, your blood will go up to your head. That's going to be bad."

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