48. A Letter

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Normal school continued-- in this universe's way, of course.

Y/n was still in the process of reading Levi's journal that never ended with at least a nice way because of his curses in every entries. Although it was entertaining to read as it is, it also influenced her a little with her manner of speaking, that sometimes, she would start saying "sh(beep)" when making a mistake. Some of her classmates would flinch from that.

Levi lives on to her heart... even if it meants slowly becoming a copy of his own shitty attitude in the process. But of course, she wouldn't go so far as doing that.

While her brother got into the scouting regimen through recruitment, some attitude he had underground were all taken up and groomed to perfection of insults. Y/n had to train around superior, making her attitude a little more compliant to superiors and formally respectful.

Although Levi said that it's all 'fucking troublesome' to sift his language, he does acquiesce to people who has higher rank than him and is authoritative to those lower ranked ones, Y/n didn't have a choice as she herself was shaped up to become a professional soldier. Habbits die hard and right now, Y/n began to understand what it means.

As usual class proceeded to its phase. With the exam coming soon, the girl began to slowly participate in class. But of course, by slowly opening up, her approachability isn't back to usual. So her classmates would bug her moderately. As moderately as how, not really, much Shoto would be able to converse.

Currently, lunch break, Y/n joined Shinso whom she believed would not ask anything rather unnecessary about her life drama... her choice was actually right.

The young man simply talked to her if her injury was okay since the bandage on her neck was sticking out. And as usual, she'd reply that she's okay in hopes that he wouldn't start blabbering that it's not and all.

Understanding her lack of interest to her world, Shinso sighed. "Make sure next time you'll be more careful then." He told her.

"I'll do that." A smile escaped out of the females lips from what she heard him say. Seems like he knew that there's a big chance that she'll do it again.

"By the way, I bought the toy as promised. I thought that with how things went, I'll bring it after asking your permission. Since you'll be the one carrying them back to your house." He explained.

"Ah yes, of course." The girl brightened in realization. "Thank you for asking. You can bring it anytime. I'm sure that child will be  delighted." She told him.

He smiled and nodded. They continued quietly eating until the young man caught glimpse of something, looking towards the famale and then back to it curiously. "By the way, you've been holding that book for quite a while now. What's it about?" He asked.

Y/n turned to the leather notebook. He brows frowned a little. "It's something personal." She replied.

"Is that so. Sorry for asking."

"It's fine. It's just something really important." She replied.

He hummed. "Well, as I've thought."

The two continued the quiet meal until Y/n had to return back to class. Walking alone through the corridor, closing into the classroom selfless as she could to ignore the eyes that has been looking at her whenever she walked by. Slowly getting accustomed to this attention, but as she possibly could, ignore it over and over again.

It was when another boy stood in front of her was she able to get out of trance. Because for one, he was blocking the door. And two, he looked like he's got lot of shit going on in his mind.

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