07. Getting to know your classmates 3

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Day 4 with Aoyama

"We should spread more sparkles in this dark world!" The said french eccenting male made a peace sign next to his eyes as he winked. "It'll be Mag. Ne. Fique!"

"Wait... sparkles?" At the end of the day, Y/n couldn't keep up with his shimmering humor.

Day 5 with Shoji

"Woah! Your mouth is there!" She pointed to the right upper hand. "No, its suddenly here!" Then to the left, fascinating herself with the weirdest things she finds.

"Please stop chasing my mouth, Y/n. It's embarrassing." The white haired male replied with a tired sigh.

She spent the day guessing where Koji's mouth would pop out. The class just watched her amused from her childishness.

Day 6 with Sero

"You're so fast, Y/n!" They landed on the helipad of the fake city during training.

The girl nodded. "That's a good race." She fistbump with him after sheathing her sword.

They had a race with Sero using his elbow tapes and Y/n, her maneuver gear. Since both had trained with almost the same type of method, they got along quite well.

Day 7 with Jiro

"Y/n promised that she's going to play a song!" Earphone jock exclaimed upon entering the classroom that morning. Slung to her back was an acoustic guitar.

The mentioned female stood up in shock. "Wait, I didn't!" She complained.

"Well to be precise. Y/n can play a guitar! Anyone wants to hear her sing?" Still, Jiro insisted.

The class cheered for her, whistling and clapping. "Fine. Just one song." She sighed in defeat.

"I didn't know you have a hidden talent." Todoroki turned to talk to her, noticing that her cheeks were red.

"I learned it from some friend." She replied. When she was young, there are always some group of boys playing guitar outside their house in the underground. Since she took interest, she decided to ask them to teach her, ending up with learning a couple of songs...

Lunch break came and the worst part, Nezu heard about it and wanted her to play at his office not knowing that it would be in broadcast to keep up her confidence.

So the video was played on the whole canteen, clinic and some classrooms. Appearing a girl on a uniform on the screen, unzipping the guitar without knowing she's being watched by many. Sitting unrefined as she leaned her left foot ankle on her right knee while placing the guitar on her lap.

Bakugo grunted from where he sat at the canteen, wanting to slap her knees after she did that, letting people nearly see her underwear when she saw some men looked in disappointment. You call yourselves aspiring heroes you damn extras?!

"You know, sir. I'm feeling strange." She started.

"What for?" Nezu innocently asked.

She shrugged. "Dunno. I kinda felt being watched." She replied.

"Oh." The principal chuckled. "That's just your imagination." Ah, the cruel principal replied so confidently. "Only me, Jiro and some of your teachers are watching."

"Well, okay..." she shrugged. She strummed the guitar in procrastination. "Hmm... it been five years since I touched one, so apologies for the mistakes." She sighed, pressing the strings with her right and strumming lightly on her left.

Somehow the guitar gave her all familiar feeling from the underground. A good reminder of her time with her family there. Her, Levi, Isabelle and Farlan. Including the other kids who helped out with their gigs. It was fun and games until she disappeared when she was seven and came back 3 years later to find out that Isabelle and Farlan were killed by the first expedition when they were recruited.

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