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Humiliation was a leech to one's mind, hard to shake off. You can't help but feel the shame of the memory, the vivid visual and feeling of that time where you were put into place. It's always there, at the back of your head, never quite ready to let go. It hunts you down, sticks with you even when everyone else has forgotten, you remember. Some days it affects you less but there are times when you wish you could change it or completely shove away the flashbacks. It also visits at night, just when you are about to sleep, the image pops up and all you could do is groan in embarrassment, chastising yourself for your fault, all the while blaming others as well so you would be able to deal with it a tad easier.

Everyone has that, everyone knows it. Believe me I have many but there is one in particular that started a chain of events, one that made my highschool equally interesting, challenging and just plain irksome.

It was during the eighth grade Grey thought it funny to tell the whole class about my crush on Ryan Evans. Not long after, the news had reached the dude and Ryan had to 'break it up to me' in front of everyone that he'll never feel the same way. I was utterly humiliated and my fourteen-year-old self was heartbroken.

It did not, however, last long because I chose to channel my energy on hating Grey instead. Soon enough, heartbreak long forgotten, instead of picturing myself flying off to the sunset with Mr. Jerkish Ryan, I was imagining ways of how to extract vengeance on Grey. 

There's a lot ways that decision could've gone, but after acted upon, it didn't go without consequences. We both didn't want to be the bigger person. Grey retaliated then I retaliated and so forth until all too soon, it was an all-out war among two crazy teenagers – a recurring circumstance that never failed to hold the attention of other students and it even became a source of entertainment to the school. What will Grey' s revenge be? How will April get back at him? Needless to say, we were stars - stars that constantly try bringing each other down.


Author's Note:


So, there's the prologue. It's short so if you're not hooked, then I suggest continue reading. Then don't stop until you like the book.

Kidding. But I do hope you enjoy the story. Thanks for clicking and don't forget to vote and comment! It will help it reach more readers.

Lots of love. (・∀・)

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