Chapter Seventeen: Totes not worth it.

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Yesterday, I'd say, was the most eventful Monday of my life. I tripped with an audience during gym class, got myself in the infirmary and had a ticket down to traumatic-suppressed-memory lane which after, had me a real close-up with Grey. Following that, I flunked my test and then came the un-official rehearsals whose turn of events I'd very much like to change and of course darkness wouldn't want to visit me just once, he felt the need to break my room's light bulb just for the kicks of it.

I had to ask Mr. Turner from across the street to fix it. He's a nice old man and an over-all cool person along with his equally awesome wife. Time to time, Triss and I visit the couple and each time we are blessed by the divine cookies Mrs. Turner make. They're really fantastic, a pair of eccentric, free-wheeling oldies so I was embarrassed about asking for the favor. Mr. Turner didn't seem to mind that I bothered him with such a menial task, though I guess the adults are pretty well-informed of my past. It was all over the news when I was seven.

Kids around my age at that time aren't exactly interested with reality so most of them don't know about it. I mean they might, but it's been too many years to bring it up. They don't remember me disappearing for a month and it was a long-shot that their parents told them about this. If they asked the right person or specifically searched the net for it they will have a more understanding of what happened but I don't think it has occured to anyone that something like that could've taken place back then. Crimes aren't new but no one ever expects that a victim walk among them. 

The crazy woman who took me is now locked up in a mental institute. Still, the phobia around dark, closed room I acquired hasn't left me. I didn't tell anyone about the closet and light-bulb incident as I didn't want to worry them.

"Sup?" Triss cheerfully asked once I was sat in her car.

"I can't wait to go home after school," I answered and we had a nice little chat during the ride. I found out she and Adams haven't been hanging out that much as the dude have been busy with college and Triss was equally occupied with highschool stuffs. They're doing fine though, the relationship's going slow but smooth. 

As soon as Triss parked, we alighted and went our separate directions. Kira texted her just now, some stuff about the play so I walked alone. Students chatted among their cliques, each in their own topic.

I hummed the tune of a song I don't remember as I headed for my locker. I brought out my phone from bag and checked the time, I still had a time to–

"Aw!" I rubbed my forehead. Someone's got a rock-hard back.

"Oh, sorry!" A familiar voice apologized. I looked up and my eyes landed on the unmistakeable features of someone I know. "April Stewart?" He asked, eyes turn a little wide and I saw him visibly gulp.

I straightened my back, crossed my arms and fixed him with narrowed eyes. "Ryan Evans," I muttered, glancing him up and down and nodding to myself. He's bulked up a bit which isn't a surprise, most of the boys have and he still had the same dark hair, blue eyes and the prominent features that got all the girls going. "You're back," I stated.

He chuckled and I raised a brow at him. He covered it with a cough. "Well, this is awkward . . ."

"No, I don't think it really is."

He winced. "Guess I deserve the cold attitude, huh?"

I didn't answer him, just trying to make him feel uncomfortable with my glare. To his credit, he seemed ashamed in my presence and I couldn't sense the same air of self-importance around him. England did him good, huh? "You're back," I repeated.

"Yeah, since three weeks ago. Yesterday was my first day here at school." He assessed my reaction before he sighed. "Actually, April, can I talk to you?"

"We're already talking."

He glanced around and seem to have realized the students were too cope-up with their own thing to notice the two of us interacting. He looked at me with a seemingly sincere voice before he said, "I'm sorry."

I un-crossed my arms and I stared him un-knowingly. Did I hear him right? I blinked and pinched myself.


He shifted, looking equally nervous and embarrassed. "About eighth grade? The thing where I–"

"Humiliated me in front of the whole school?" I was half-over it. It's just now a memory I'd like to forget. You know the one that suddenly pops-up in your mind right before you sleep at night, you cringe at the reminder and suddenly the memory keep playing but you don't exactly feel angry about it anymore? You know, just something you'd like to erase? "Wow," I mumbled and looked at him with an impressed expression. What happened was so long ago and I didn't hold any grudge – maybe at what he did, but not to him. I figured it would be too much of a baggage to hold against an asshole. Totes not worth it.

Ryan blinked at me and I sized him, trying to decide if it was really him or some long-lost twin. "Wow," I said again and he chuckled uneasily. Without thinking, I pinched his cheeks, he jumped at that. "Are you sure you're Ryan Evans?" I joked good-naturedly. Well, he said he was sorry and the fact that he was still thinking about it after three years says enough.

He breathed a sigh of relief and laughed. "You're not mad?"

"Oh, I was," I told him and we started walking. "You were an asshole–" he winced, I chuckled. "But holding grudge takes up way too much energy."

"Same old, April, I see," he nodded and i nodded back. Can't say I've changed much. My little feud with Grey might have caused me to be a bit more daring but I'm still the same old April as I was three years ago.

"You?"  I asked.

"I'm dating someone right now and it's actually serious," he said quietly like he wanted to share it with someone but not here.

"Really? Is she from England?" I inquired or beamed, whatever. Ryan was quite a player back then and it's another surprise that he settled for one girl.

He nodded. "He's from England."

I halted on my tracks. I faced him with wide eyes then I squealed causing a few heads to turn around at the embarrassing sound that just came out of my lips. My hands flew to my mouth while Ryan scratched the back of his head. "Oh my God." Unbelievable. "Oh my God." Oohh, I'm so glad he's back. What a pleasant surprise, I'm so happy right now.


I shook my head at him. "You have no idea." Then without thinking, I squealed another time and hugged him. I placed both hands on his shoulder after I let him go and jumped up and down. "You have to tell me everything." Then I had a thought so I calmed myself. "That is, if you want of course." I gave him a look that said it's-fine-if-you-don't-but-it-would-make-my-day-if-you-tell-the-story.

"It's fine. I'm not hiding it," he answered and I hopped while clapping my hands. A big smile was on my face while Ryan looked sheepish. Is this really the same Ryan Evans I know from–

"Ouch!" I screeched when someone bumped my left shoulder aggressively, Ryan grabbed the both of them to keep me from falling. I looked at who it was and rolled my eyes when I saw the familiar figure of Grey walking away.

"Who was that?" Ryan asked to no one in particular.

"Grey freaking Collins," I answered and Ryan frowned at me.

"Why would he do that?" I looked at him weirdly then realized he wasn't here to witness the events of the last three years.

"'Cause he's an asshole," I shouted the last part at Grey who ignored me and continued walking. I turned to Ryan. "I might also have a lot to tell you." I grabbed his arm. "You see, it started right after you left . . ."


Author's Note:

So, you've officially met Ryan . . .

Was he anything you expected?

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