Chapter One: You *bleep*!

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Everyone was acting weird.

No, not weird. Suspicious. They were acting suspicious and I've seen this type of behavior before. I only know one person who can cause this type of reaction. As soon as I paddled my way to the parking lot with my awesome bike, everyone turned to me with smiles and giggles. I tried finding out by just observing but sad to say, I have no such skill so I resorted to asking a freshman what everything was about instead. Sadly, his eyes only widened before he took off.

No worries, I'll find out soon enough.

Stepping into the school gate - I was clad with the standard school uniform of a red plaid skirt, blouse and mahogany cardigan - someone blocked my way. This someone was a brown-eyed brunette with the body of a model. Gorgeous best friend - cliche. Tell me about it. Oh, but don't be fooled. This girl was like a fraternal twin of mine and if she was anything but like me, we wouldn't have gotten along. We had a passion for stories. We both hated watching romance movies - we were more like the war and mystery type, however, gore and horror, we hated it even more. A slight shiver went through me as I remembered the last time we decided to watch something of the sorts. Bad decision.

"Hey!" Triss beamed too happily with a nervous smile. "I have news. Two bad and one good," she said but I ignored her when I saw a girl look over her phone then back to me then back to her phone with an amused smile. The news can wait.

Triss noticed my curious gaze and followed it. With an expression between amusement and fear, my best friend took my arm and tried to stir me away. Big mistake, that fueled my curiosity.

Dragging Triss with me, I walked over to the girl who was leaning against the wall. "Hey, can I see your phone?" I asked.

Triss stepped away from me and bit her lip nervously while the other girl seemed startled by my approach. Looking unsure, she glanced towards my outstretched hand and to the shifting brunette beside me. She seem to have seen something on my friend's face so she turned to me.

"Uh . . . sure," she said before she handed me her phone. What I saw - no, what I read, had me blanched.

Sweet mother of hens, I will kill him.

My nose flared and my left eye twitched, something that happens when I'm pissed off. Giving back the girl's phone with a wry smile, I looked over my best friend. I'm sure she knows about this.

Triss eyes were filled with humor and foreboding. I narrowed my eyes at her. "You knew?"

She nodded, suddenly determined to keep her mouth shut.

Blowing a breathe to try to calm my compulsion of hunting Grey, I closed my eyes.

1 . . .

2 . . .

3 . . .

My pinky finger twitched as my eyes flew open. Nope, it ain't working. "I'll tear his limbs off," I said to Triss.

Her eyes widened when I started marching towards where I knew he would be. He had English as his first subject and I knew this because as the saying goes, 'know thy enemy.' That involved knowing his schedule and so far, it has proven to be advantageous.

When I reached their room, the teacher was thankfully not there yet. I slammed the door open and my eyes automatically scanned the room.

"Shit," someone cussed and snapped my attention to them. "Shit, shit," Grey cussed again before standing up - already halting his conversation with a pretty redhead - and scampering towards the exit door.


Well, I wouldn't blame him. I once tried to choke him with my bare hands. That got me week of detention and a whole month of community service but it was so worth it seeing the look in his eyes.

Now you might say, 'April, I thought you didn't like violence?' The answer is, I don't. Grey was just a special case.

I went after him after I dumped my things to Triss who followed me all the way. Hot on his heels, Grey turned right with his well-built body back at me. Cussed him for that, it was giving him the upper-hand.

"You *bleep*. I will *bleep* skin you *bleep* alive when I *bleep* get to you, you *bleep*." Needless to say, that shout of fury involved a lot of colorful words that you kids, don't have to know.

Grey chanced a look back, his gray eyes - cue snort, creative name, ladies and gentlemen - immediately widened with laughter. He thought I was too far away to catch him and it infuriated me that he was right. Lips pulled at a smile he turned around and run ahead of me.

Dang it.

Releasing a war cry, I forced my legs to go faster.

Grey glanced back again at my shout and his eyes widened when he saw me nearing faster.

The chase felt never-ending so I started grabbing whatever useless possessions the students around us had and aimed it at his head as an attempt to slow him down. One boy had a basketball and I snatched it away before I threw it at my target who got his back hit. He stumbled a few steps but it didn't seem to faze him enough so he remained ahead while I kept throwing stuffs - ball pen, a cheerleader's pom-poms, a crumpled paper and many other things. You'd be surprised at the amount of useless objects teenagers carried around with them.

Making a turn to the right, I bumped right into Grey's back.

"Aww!" My nose freakin' hurt, his back was like a brick. I glared at him before realizing that I had him now. Grinning, I stepped back and planned to jump on his back and put him on a headlock, however, a certain person got my attention. This person was wearing a a suit, a glimpse of grey hair peeked out from the roots of his dark hair while a scowl was plastered at the man's face

I gulped when his eyes landed on me so I hid behind Grey. "Collins, you owe me so back me up, okay?" I shamelessly asked.

A snort was my answer so I gave his back the evil-eye.

"Ms. Stewart, I already saw you." I groaned. Man, I was hoping he mistook me for a ghost.

I stepped out of my safe zone and faced the Alpha of the school. "Oh, hey, Mr. Martin, I didn't see you there," I said with a smile while I heard another snort beside me. I raised my hands and subtly elbowed him.

Grey gave an oof before glaring down at me. So I glared back. It was a contest and no one's about to back down.

It was soon, of course, ruined by our dear principle. He cleared his throat and Grey's head snapped at him before the boy realized his mistake and looked back at my already smirking face.

Ha, I won.

Basking in my small victory - in my defense, between Grey and I, every battle counts - I smiled broadly at Mr. Principle who was rubbing his temple. The smile deflated. We were clearly in trouble.

I looked at Grey's face with an expression of determination. Right now, we were allies. Bad blood aside first. However, the boy doesn't seem to think so because he narrowed his eyes at me in return.

Offended, I turned my gaze back to the principle who apparently watched our small exchange. I gave the man a sheepish grin, hoping that maybe it could lessen our impending punishment.

Mr. Martin sighed. "You two again. Come to the office with me."


Author's Note:


Here's the first chapter. I hope you like it.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Lots of love. ❤️

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