Chapter Twenty-Four: We Weren't

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I had the weekends to think about everything yet I still didn't know how to react to Grey's apology. What he did was awful but on the other hand, he didn't know just how much that prank would affect me. Now, the real question is, was he sincere in his sorry. Did he mean it? He seems to and if that's indeed the case, should I accept it?

How do you even accept an apology? Do you go over to them and say, 'I forgive you,' or do you say, 'You're forgiven,' or is it, 'I accept your apology,' or do you go with, 'Apology accepted'? This shit is giving me a migraine. I rubbed my temples before I recorded some chemical stuff on the notebook and went back to help my lab partner with the delicate art of freaking Chemistry. Grey sat a few chairs down the right and my neck is going stiff with intently not looking at that direction.

It is so weird. We weren't fighting. We weren't throwing knowing smirks at each other. We weren't scowling at each other. We weren't insulting each other. We weren't trying to best each other. We weren't trying to humiliate each other. There is so many 'we weren't' and my time at school has never been this Grey-free and . . . awkward. The tension around us was thick and unsure. Hate was never awkward so why are we?


"How am I even sure he really is sorry?" And why am I so worked up over this? Enemies are supposed to be simple. I groaned while Triss and Ryan just patiently listened to me rant. We were at the cafeteria and like every lunch break, it was so full of noises and students. Why can't people shut their mouths for a second? There could be someone here who is overthinking their problem and maybe could need some little peace while they ate and mull over their so-called problem, right? Didn't they know that?

"Trust me, he is sorry," Luke greeted and I almost jumped at his sudden entrance. He took the seat beside me, and dropped his lunch on our table. "Hi, Triss. Hi, Ryan." He waved at the two while we just watch him like he's some strange alien creature.

"You're here again," I stated.

"Good, you're not blind." I rolled my eyes. 

"What do you mean he is sorry?" I inquired, I didn't need to mention his name, the four of us knew all too well who I am referring to.

"Grey was sincere on his apology. I've never seen the guy look so bothered by what he'd done." I gave him a suspicious look and Luke twirled his finger in front of my face before poking me on the forehead. I rubbed the spot and glared at him. "Now now, don't give me that look. Honest, no lies, I'm telling the truth."

I sighed. I don't think Luke would lie about something like that. "Think I should forgive him?" I looked up at him, Triss and Ryan listened on the conversation.

Luke smiled. "That's your decision to make but I hope you do 'cause he's my friend and he is absolutely no fun when he's all this sullen, dreadful, empty shell of himself." I furrowed my brows at his sudden dramatic description and off-topic words. Wasn't this supposed to be about me forgiving his friend? "I mean, have you looked at the guy?" He pointed at Grey and we followed his finger. The said guy was talking to the other jocks, though not as cheerful. "He can't even laugh at jokes and won't you observe the look on his face? Soon enough that woe-is-me look is gonna be permanent and no girl would ever and I mean ever–"

Triss snapped her fingers in front of him and Luke immediately halted his litanies. "Luke, you were gonna say?"

He gave us what is supposedly an apologetic smile but he didn't look a bit sorry. "Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah." He cleared his throat, he turned to me. "Grey is sorry, April. He - and almost everyone of the entire student population - didn't know what you have gone through–" I bit my lip, I didn't how to react at that, it feels weird when someone addresses my past directly to me "–but now he knows there must be some serious gravity to what he did," Luke continued. "He is sorry."

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