Chapter Four: Dad Jokes

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The meeting was thankfully brief so I only had to see Grey in an extra of thirty minutes. They told us the script has been approved but still needed finalizing and it might take two more weeks 'till it was ready. After that, they'll call us again to set things out. Triss was a big part of the writing process. There was a time I asked why didn't she just join the newspaper if she wanted to write, she said and I quote, 'I want to manipulate words and create something out of this world, not just put them together to tell some facts and news the world will know one way or another. I want to make something of my own and no one else's.'

Poetic, isn't she? That's why I love her.

While I, am only like a recurring member and I'm surprised they haven't kicked me out yet. I loved acting and I was only there when there was some roles I could fit in. Maybe if Triss wasn't such a huge contribution to them, I wouldn't be allowed to come and go as I please. I mean, I do help out, but my efforts were miniscule compared to the ones a full member gives.

My time out of classes were mostly spent on finding some entertainment - either reading or watching - to indulge myself in, hanging out with Triss or my other friends or my parents, and working at my mom's cafè. That sums it up. I don't go on any adventures, I don't party, and most importantly, I don't have any special someone in my life. It's okay though, I'm fairly satisfied with the way things are in my life. Well, except for Grey's unwanted existence.

Man, I still haven't gotten back for the rock-in-my-bag thing and most importantly, the poem. Should I put rock in his bag too? Nah, that'd be lame. Maybe I could steal his clothes while he's at football practice? Nah. I remembered why I haven't even done it before. The girls might worship him even more and he'll probably say something about me wanting to see him naked. And he could borrow some from his friends.

But I could make sure the boys don't have a spare . . .

Nope. Please refer to the former reason.

Or, I could put ants in his pants! Maybe I'd get lucky and they would nip his balls and he'll forever be barren. 

If there was one thing I knew about boys, their jewels were their pleasure but it was also vulnerable and important. I could target that but it seemed so . . . cruel. Making me carry a rock all day was pretty harmless in comparison to all the other pranks he pulled and I'm all about fairness. However, spreading that poem has hurt my pride. I should do something relatively safe yet infuriating.

Hmmm . . .

I sat from my bed when I heard a honk. Mom's home! She does that everytime she comes home from the cafè. She manages the small business but she always come to check on me in the afternoon, have dinner with my father and I then she'll go back and not come home until eight - which as I argued, was pretty early for a business to close. But alas, she was the type of woman who wanted to spend time with her family.

That aside, I just found my revenge. 

The thought brought upon a smirk on my lips.

Thanks, mother dearest. Their jewels were a number one in their list of important things but there was something else they treat like a treasure.

Teaming with satisfaction, I skipped downstairs to greet my mother.

As soon as I saw her sitting on stool in the kitchen. I beamed at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, mom," I said and she rose her brow with my enthusiastice greeting.

I just smiled at her.


"I could do this all day," Captain America said as he fought . . . himself. Well, my brother and I were rewatching Endgame. 

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