Chapter Six: Ouch. Watch it.

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I checked myself in the mirror and saw that I looked alright. My wavy - sort of - blonde hair cascaded down my back, face pampered with light make up while my lips looked naturally reddish with the tinge of lip-tint. "Hello there, gorgeous," I winked at myself in the mirror, pretending to be some handsome prince charming.

I waved at it and tried to look flirtatious but I just looked like a nauseous psycho. "Ugh," I groaned. Can someone teach me how to flirt? With the rate of how I'm going with my life, I'll probably marry a couch and adopt some kittens.

I neared my face in the mirror, trying to discern what color were my eyes were. They were pale and I couldn't figure if it was blue or green. Under different lights, the shade changes. "Is it blue or is it green . . ." I narrowed my eyes but I soon found out that would just impede my mission. 

I backed away and checked my body one last time. There was nothing different. Like every other weekday, my small frame was covered in the standard school uniform while I donned a pair of white sneaker. "I like green. Let's just say my eyes are green," I declared and nodded to myself satisfied.

"Sis, stop talking to yourself! We're gonna be late!" I heard Parker shout from downstairs so I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"Alright. Coming!" I shouted before running.

"Bye, Mom. Dad." We both hugged our parents before we went out to ride our bicycles. This was our routine. We take five minutes of peddling to arrive at school and it was so normal around this town that no one bothered to tease us about it. However, going home was a different story.

We parked our bikes, walked towards the gates together before going our separate ways.

I opened my lockers and did what I needed before slamming it shut. I jumped in shock when I saw Triss' face peering on me. "Sweet Cupcakes!" I touched my heart. Seriously, I'm so jumpy it's not fun. "You scared me," I complained. I have been expecting Grey to pull something on me. 

Triss raised a brow. "Scared?"

"What? Scared? Heck, no," I lied but she knows it anyway so I feel no guilt whatsoever.

Wait. Seeing her now, dressed like every other day - uniform, brown hair tied in a bun, brown eyes hiding behind some cute fake glasses - yeah, she doesn't really have poor eyesight - and her willowy figure made taller by heeled shoes, I am remembering something from our conversation last sunday. Without my revenge hanging above my head, I seem to recall her acting suspicious. "Hey, what were the stuffs you had to do last sunday again?" I tricked in case she doesn't want to tell me. Making her think I already knew might convince her to open her mouth.

She blushed and I stared shock at her. "Oh my gosh, you're blushing," I clamped my hands to my mouth. "Tell me!" I took her shoulders and shook her.

"I had a date with Adams," she answered quietly. Adams was her college neighbor who studied at the local university. He was also her long-time crush.

"Wait. You went on a Sunday?" I asked, confused. Did boys really ask girls on a date on a sunday? If yes, well, I've been single my whole life so I have no idea.

Honestly, whenever a guy showed interest I would freak out and blatantly show them that I only saw them as a friend. Ninth grade, a sophomore started hanging around me but then I felt like he was hoping for something more so I started saying, 'You are such a good friend, Noel,' every chance I get. Unsurprisingly, he stopped being around when the line got old.

I was saddened but also relieved. I don't know why but relationships scare me.

Out of the three of us, Liam was the only one with experience. Can't say it was a surprise. 

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