Ch 31- Finding Twillow

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When morning broke the trio awoke and Darby met them at the door. Helia and Sig donned their disguises and reapplied their scent blocking powder. When they were ready they tromped down to the tavern level via stairway instead of using Nix. Tabasheen and Merl both bid them goodbye, brought Helia her mount, and handed them each a small satchel with breakfast in it once they were ready to depart. Then together they followed Darby into the early morning streets of Marlayla toward the Birchwood Estate.

It took a bit of walking but finally they arrived. All three travelers were in awe of the sight. A huge white castle-looking mansion lay nestled on a vast swath of tree and garden covered land. Little lights flittered about and a tall wall studded at various points with green crystals as big as chairs encircled the huge home. A stone path led all the way through and up to the edifice. Even the king of Rumstead didn't live in a palace so grand. It seemed like something out of a fairytale or a dream.

"Well, this is it: the Birchwood Estate." Darby announced with a gesture.

"Twillow lives here?" Helia sounded amazed.

"I would assume." Darby shrugged his backpack, "Ok. Well...I got you here. Good luck finding your friend and...thanks for helping me too."

"Thank you so much, Darby. We couldn't have done it without you." Sig smiled warmly and held out his hand to shake.

The faun stared at the disguised human's hand for a moment before giving an awkward smile and taking it in a friendly shake.

Sig smiled even bigger noting the faun had actually touched him when before he thought he'd steal his magic or butcher him for meat, "Good luck, Darby. Hope we see you again someday."

Helia and Kendrick voiced their agreement. With a bob of his one antler, the faun turned and trotted off with the clicking of hooves. Then when he was gone they began to assess their options. The wall and front gate were quite tall...difficult to climb but not impossible. As they stood at the gate, a couple large, burly, armed guards appeared. One was a red and white speckled Minotaur with large curved horns and the other was a nine-foot, dark-skinned cyclops who nearly stood as tall as the wall. They noticed the three travelers and approached the gate with diligence.

"Can we help you three?" the cyclops growled sternly, resting a heavy sword on the ground near his booted feet.

Sig adjusted his cloak and stood straighter to take on his aristocratic elven persona, "Good day to you, sirs. We have come at the behest of the Birchwoods to discuss the matter of their missing daughter, Twillow."

The cyclops huffed, squinting his yellow eye, "Right. Do you have invitations?"

Sig cleared his throat, "Is the personal call of Mr. Birchwood not sufficient?"

Snorting the speckled Minotaur stated firmly, "Look pal, we get folks like you coming around all the time wanting to solicit from the Birchwoods. So, unless you have an invitation you aren't coming in."

"We were called specifically in this matter!" Sig tried indignation.

The guards weren't impressed.

"No invitation. No entering." The cyclops stated with finality, "Good day."

With that the two resumed their posts.

"No wait! We're here to...OW!" Sig reached through the bars of the gate and was suddenly struck with bright flash of green light which made his hand jerk back painfully.

The guards shook their heads, "Magical barrier...just in case you get ideas about climbing the wall. Wouldn't recommend it."

As Sig tried to plead their case, Kendrick's nose was hit with a smell...the smell he'd been hunting since this quest began. He straightened his back, head perked intently as he drew in a deep scenting breath. All of his predatory senses were on high alert.

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