Ch 14- Winter Games

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A/N: Just a fun filler chapter I had in mind and decided to include...


As the weather turned colder, Twillow had kept indoors near the fireplace. She didn't like the cold at all and was ill-equipped to deal with it. She was, however, feeling stifled since she couldn't go out flying for very long without freezing. Flying around Kendrick's home, while spacious, was not the same as flying in the open sky. The coat and wintery outfit Kendrick had gotten for her helped but she lost so much heat through her thin wings it was like leaving a door open on a cold blustery day. However, today the pair were going on a trip to Alec's which Twillow had been looking forward to.

Twillow sat on Kendrick's broad shoulder as he walked through the snowy forest. She shivered, even though he had provided her with a long, fur-lined coat to keep her warm. It was long enough that when she lowered her wings and wrapped them around her front they were covered too. But even with the coat, it was still too cold for her.

Her giant companion never seemed bothered by the cold. He did wear a heavier leather vest with a fur lining, but his muscled arms were bare. A dense fog escaped from his mouth as if he was actually breathing out clouds for the sky. His gaze inclined toward her when he felt her subtle shiver at his neck.

"Are you cold Twillow?" he asked, voice vibrating through her.

"I'm...ok." She partially lied.

Despite everything he'd done for her, she never liked to inconvenience him nor complain where it wasn't serious. But if Kendrick even sensed Twillow needed something he would make it happen.

"You're shivering." He commented.

Before she could reply his great hand reached up and wrapped around her. Even though the fae had grown used to him and no longer shied away from his every powerful movement, it still made her heart stir wildly to be held within his hand. His formidable strength restrained to such a delicate level was admirable if not completely intimidating since the most minute movement would be able to shatter her frame to pieces. Few had witnessed such gentility by the same hands. She knew what power they were capable of. Unsurpassed warmth surrounded her and she felt her body go limp with relief.

He pulled open the fur-lined breast pocket of his vest with a finger and with a subtle movement he opened his hand and she slid down into it. Behind her Kendrick's chest radiated heat like a huge furnace. He always felt warm. Twillow settled down into the shallow pocket as if she was tucked into a comfy, vertical bed.

"Better?" his voice shook against her back.

She nodded, "Thank you Kendrick."

He graced her with a small smile before resuming his walk.

"How are you not freezing?" she asked, snuggling into the furs.

Kendrick shrugged, "I think we giants are just warmer blooded than most other species."

"The Parliel Realm is never cold like this." Twillow admitted. "I don't like it."

Kendrick huffed a laugh at her and kept walking, making sure to keep the branches of the trees from striking his chest and touching Twillow in any harmful way. Before she knew it they had arrived at Alec's mountain home which was covered in snow.

As Kendrick drew closer he automatically scented the air and grin crossed his face, "Oh boy. Smells like Melvin and his brothers are here."

Twillow smiled fondly as she remembered the old gnome who had no qualms about cussing out Kendrick for ruining his fishing. She let loose a knowing sigh, realizing this was going to get interesting.

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