Ch 42: Departing

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A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus...this was a crazy month. Plus as I near the end it's hard to come up with neat, clean bows to tie everything up. Honestly I feel this is kinda wordy and longer than it needs to be ...but it is what it is

Not long thereafter...

After magically producing some clothes for Kendrick, Twillow set to gathering her parents together to confess her plan of leaving home to live with Kendrick in the Lower Realm. As she expected, her mother was flabbergasted and perturbed by her decision.

"Twillow! You-you can't DO this!" Gelilah protested.

Her father Aemond touched her arm, "Calm down, dear."

She ignored his words, wings up and flared, "You can't just go to the Lower Realm and live with some...some giant you just met!"

Twillow closed her eyes and exhaled, "Mother, I've known Kendrick for a year now. I love him and I want to be with him."

"That's crazy talk, Twillow!" she waved her hands, "You have a good future here! Why would you throw that away? What kind of life could you possibly have in such a barbarous place with...with him?"

"A life and future that I have chosen." Twillow replied simply. "I love you both, but it's time for me to move out and live my own life with the man I love."

Gelilah subconsciously buzzed her wings and looked at her husband with helplessness, "Aemond, talk some sense into her! She can't go the Lower Realm again!"

Her father flicked his brows and pursed his lips, "He's outside isn't he?"

Twillow nodded.

"I wish to speak with him then. I believe that's within my right as your father."

Again, Twillow nodded and followed after him. Gelilah stayed behind, still looking exasperated.

Aemond turned on his heel and marched over to the front door, exited, and took to the air with his daughter following. It wasn't a second or two when he spotted Kendrick, seated on the open grassy lawn behind the house. His eyebrows went up. Given that he'd felt the giant's approach long before he arrived, his stature shouldn't have surprised him. But the fae was dually impressed and a bit intimidated. Still, he flew toward the immense figure.

He also noted that a small crowd of what he could only guess were night citizens were gathered at the outer gate and flying around the invisible domed barrier. No doubt gawkers wanting to get a look at the new giant in their realm.

As Aemond approached, he noticed Kendrick seemed preoccupied with something around his wrist. It wasn't until he flew closer that he spotted Marci's dragon Silky wrapped around the giant's wrist and forearm like a bracelet. The Quetzal dragon was amorously rubbing her feathered head against Kendrick's fingers as he gently pet her snaky body.

Kendrick's eyes caught sight of faes' fluttering wings even in the dim light and his head perked toward him. Twillow and her father landed on the roof of the house, folding their wings almost in unison. Even from the roof they were barely at Kendrick's sitting eye level.

"Evening, Mr. Birchwood." Kendrick rumbled deeply as he pet Silky. "Um...sorry to cause such a stir at your home."

Aemond waved a hand, "Well that's to be expected. No one has seen a giant like yourself before. Curiosity is bound to arise." He gave Kendrick a marveling look, "You are an extraordinary sight."

Kendrick nodded then shrugged. He glanced at Twillow with a small smile. Seeing that a conversation was about to be had, Kendrick gently unwrapped the snaky dragon from his arm and held her out on his hand like a bird to coax her to fly away.

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