Ch 2- Facing the Gray Shadow

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Later that day...

Helia gripped the hilt of the sword at her belt as she crept closer to the massive cave entrance. She had followed the directions of the people of Rumstead and found the broken topped mountain which was supposed to be the place where the Gray Shadow lived. From under her bone and metal helmet, her red hair spilled over her eyes which she had to flick away. She couldn't afford to be distracted by something as trivial as hair in her eyes...not when there was a giant residing in the cave before her. She crept closer, feet quietly crunching the rocks before the crevasse. Her shield braced in front of her.

She looked up at the entrance to the cave which was very tall indeed...well over fifty feet if she had to guess. Already she was second-guessing her assumptions that the people of Rumstead had exaggerated his size if the crevasse was any indicator. However, she'd hunted trolls that weren't nearly as big as giants and they lived it caves with exceedingly tall entrances. She contemplated climbing up to the top of the crevasse so she could jump down on top of the giant to slash its throat when it emerged. But that was pretty risky. She could miss and fall to her death or break her legs.

No...better to stay grounded and go for the Achilles tendons.

She just needed to lure it out, keep from getting stepped on, and get behind it to deliver the slash. Same as always. No sense changing what had always worked for her.

But then something unexpected happened...a thundering voice rumbled from the darkness ahead.

"I can smell you, ya know?"

Helia froze in place, her sweaty hand gripped the sword hilt tighter, but she did not draw it. She was shocked. Speech...coherent speech... was not something giants were known for. Helia waited for the monster to show itself.

Instead, only his huge voice met her, "Are you lost?"

She squinted at such an odd question as her brain tried to wrap around what she knew and what she was hearing, "Giants don't speak! They don't ask questions. They roar and bellow monstrously and charge out to tear you to pieces!"

But shouted back, "No! I am not lost."

"Hmm," the voice vibrated the air, "Ah, I know. You're a maiden sacrifice!" He chuckled, "Haven't had one of those in several years."

Helia straightened herself indignantly, "I am NOT a sacrifice!"



"Huh. Well that's a pity. I enjoy maiden sacrifices," his voice sounded nostalgic.

Helia exhaled slowly. This giant's voice was deep and powerful. She couldn't tell just how big he was, but she had a sinking feeling that he was much bigger than she was prepared for. Then again, the cave could be amplifying his voice...she hoped.

"'re not lost and you're not a maiden sacrifice. That only leaves two options: either you're a fool looking for glory...or you are a slayer here to slay me. And...I don't think you look a fool. So are you a slayer then?"


His great voice sounded impressed, "A female slayer? Hmm. Now that's something I've never encountered before."

"Believe me, I'll be the last slayer you ever encounter!" Helia shouted aggressively.

A rumbling chuckle answered her, "Well aren't you the feisty one? You're brave to come all this way and challenge me at my own home, I'll give you that."

Helia threw back a brash retort, "Thanks for the compliment. You're a lot brighter sounding than the other giants I've killed."

His tone took on a very confident, predatory lilt, "Have you now? And how many have you killed?"

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