Ch 26- Reunions

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In Marlayla the day before...

After eating the infusion fruits at her brother's house Twillow was actually feeling replenished. She hadn't had the magic boosting fruit since being banished and it was like eating a dish she'd been denied for ages and could finally have. She could feel the liveliness of her natural magic flow all the way through her from her wingtips to her toes when she'd finished the smooth pink fruits. She'd almost forgotten that feeling but the moment she felt the strength of her magic naturally return.

In fact, just to be certain, she even began shifting and moving multiple objects around Hugo's kitchen with the twisting beckon of her fingers. The old natural feeling of the magic flowing out of her made her smile.

Valluen watched her and smiled too, nodding with approval as several objects swirled about in the air before returning to their natural place, "You haven't lost it."

She shook her head, "I thought I might have. I haven't done this in so long."

"Your handling of magic was always so elegant." he complimented, "Here. Have some more."

He handed her another pink fruit and when she took it he held her fingers for a moment before kissing them, "I'm so glad you're back. I thought I'd lost you forever."

Twillow gave an unsure smile but took the fruit and ate it as well, "'s good to be back.

His blue eyes were so deep as they stared at her fondly. Twillow had almost forgot how attractive Valluen looked. She ate at least eight fruits until she decided her magic felt normal again. When she finished, her eldest brother Gillam appeared and made a gesture.

"Come on, Twillow. We should get you to the Estate. Mother and Father will want to know you're back. Especially Mother." He coaxed.

Twillow nodded and together she, Elmry, Gillam, and Valluen all traveled together across Marlayla to the Birchwood Estate where Twillow's parents lived. According to her brothers, Twillow's mother had been emotionally devastated following her daughter's banishment. She was her only daughter after all and though they were of different minds on several subjects, her mother dearly loved and doted upon her.

It wasn't a long trip since Hugo's home was close by. The Birchwood estate was enormous with a tall, white marble castle-like mansion at its center and gorgeous gardens surrounding. Built from the extensive fortune Twillow's father earned being a magic crystal mogul, it was one of the largest in Marlayla. The perimeter of the estate was guarded by an invisible barrier of magic produced by concealed crystals in the fence pillars. No one but the Birchwoods and anyone who worked the estate was allowed inside unless by invitation. When Twillow, her brothers, and Valluen arrived at the familiar gate it opened for them unquestioningly; the barrier magics recognized them and lifted.

Twillow flew on ahead to the large red front door she had passed through so many times before in her childhood. Though the Birchwood estate was big enough to house the family of six many times over, the three sons had sought out their own living elsewhere in Marlayla. But Twillow, being the only girl, had remained under her parents' roof (mostly because of her mother's protective insistence). The talisman at the front door flashed when it recognized Twillow and the large red door swung open to let her in.

"Mom? Mom, I'm home!" Twillow called out when she entered the expansive atrium of the mansion.

But instead of her mother appearing another familiar voice rang out, "Twillow?"

Twillow's eyes widened with excitement when she saw who spoke. It was Marci, her best friend and her parents' personal chef.


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