Ch 9.5- Cooking

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In the weeks that followed, Twillow stayed with Kendrick in his mountain home. The first few days they seemed to be keeping their distance from one another. Kendrick would be gone most of the day checking out his territory or maintaining his garden. Twillow would pass the time however she could, reading, flying around, staying out in the garden, and other activities.

They did share meals together albeit they sat at opposite sides of the table. But it was usually how they spent most of their time in each other's company. Kendrick always did the cooking as it was his home and he was the only force able to prepare the vast quantity of food needed to satiate his massive appetite. His meals were simple, but filling and always tasted good. 

One evening he had prepared a simple meal for them both.

"Um...Twillow? Your supper is ready." Kendrick announced in a gentle voice so as not to startle her.

The winged fae perked her head up from a book she was reading in her bed. Sitting on the end of the table closest to her was a small plate with some roasted vegetables and a chunk of fresh bread. She set her book down and flew over toward her meal. Kendrick, per usual, sat himself at the opposite end of the table, furthest from her with his own plate of food. He looked to be having the same as Twillow save for a few roasted deer. Though his diet was a bit unsettling to her he tried to be discreet about it; chewing gently and as quietly as he was able.

"This looks good. Thank you, Kendrick."

He perked his head, "Hmm?"

She raised her voice so he could hear her, "I said, thank you!"

"Oh. Oh, you're welcome. I hope you like it." he nodded, eyes falling back to his plate.

It was pretty common for the giant not be able to hear the fae's normal speaking voice unless they were much closer. But that was very rare since they were still getting used to one another. Twillow often felt like she was yelling at him across their distances.

Kendrick kept his focus on his food and not on her. Prolonged eye contact seemed to intimidate her. He could always smell her nervous scent when he ate in her presence and it only got stronger if he watched her. So, he tried to feign indifference to her presence in an attempt to keep her calm.

Twillow was about to sit on the little cushion Kendrick had provided for her when she looked at her meal and then across the expanse of table. She noticed his amber eyes go from her to the plate in front of him with a quick darting flick.

She wasn't sure why but his expression made her feel ashamed of herself.

In the two weeks they had lived together she had found it difficult to not shy away from the giant whenever he came close; like a cat that wasn't sure if it liked people or not. She felt guilty for treating him in such a way since it was obvious that he was trying very hard to make her comfortable and not cause her any unneeded stress. It only made her feel worse when a sad frustrated expression would flicker across his face if she'd flinch or startle. He might've thought he hid it behind stoicism or indifference, but his large face was easy to read. Every crease and subtle flinch was rife with clarity.

Exhaling slowly, Twillow made a decision. She picked up her plate and her drinking cup in each hand, flew up off the table, gripped the cushion between her feet, and flew across the table closer to Kendrick. The gray giant's jaw stopped mid-chew and he stared at her with incredulity before swallowing. Twillow dropped the cushion on the table near his left arm to which he reacted by lifting it and placing it off the table at his side and out of her way.

" there something wrong?" he rumbled cautiously.

Twillow shook her head, "I'm just going to sit closer."

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