Ch 34: Meet and Greet

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It was a storm...a storm brewing in Kendrick's hearts. Moments before they had been unsure, gentle, and nearly timid with the very prospect of speaking their wishes to Twillow. But now they were shoving aside those gentler ideas and focusing on this new feeling that was so much more familiar to him and yet he'd never felt it before. For once his hearts and mind were one as they paced behind the cage of restraint.

Who the Hell is he? Why is he holding Twillow's arm like that?

He barely registered Twillow's introduction but the name...Valluen...Valluen...the name rang through Kendrick's memory. The very first time Twillow and he talked, she told him about how she came to the Lower Realm and that name had been brought up. This was the man who let her be banished whilst his wife commanded it.

His amber eyes scrutinized the elf with quiet intensity. Valluen was a hair taller than him at this size, but not as broad, and didn't appear to have a blemish on his appearance; almost too perfect. Kendrick already had an instant dislike for him.

Why was he here? Wasn't he supposed to be married to another woman?

"Well let's get downstairs, my dear. The party will start soon." He spoke in a suave, gentlemanly voice as he led Twillow on his arm.

My DEAR?! Why is he using such a term of endearment to her? What was this?!

His internal storm was only postponed when he felt Twillow's petite arm curl around the bend of his elbow and pull him to her side. It was an exceedingly awkward moment. His hearts grew brighter realizing she was wanting him to escort her, but the storm clouds didn't recede since she also had him on her other side.

Together they all made their way down the hall toward the descending stairs that would lead to the main floor where the party would take place. When they arrived the foyer and the ballroom had been transformed from a lavish room into an enchanted dream. Lights twinkled seemingly out of nowhere in the air, as if stars had been plucked directly from the sky and brought to the party. Gorgeous floral arrangements wrapped around every banister, doorway, and pillar. Delicious food smells as well as fragrant floral perfumes tempted their noses. The gentle sounds of music filled the room ambiently. Below only a few beings could be seen. Apparently the party was only beginning and the bulk of the guests hadn't arrived yet.

They descended the stairs toward the festivities. A few gasps of wonder escaped Helia and Sig as they beheld the sight. Kendrick wasn't the least bit distracted by the finery; his only focus was to Twillow and Valluen on her right.

Soon they turned at the bottom of the stairs and entered another room dominated by a long series of tables set end to end and surrounded by intricately carved chairs. However, when they drew closer, they realized the "chairs" were twisted roots growing right out of the floor and morphing into chair forms. Soft pillows were strategically placed in the rounded seats and back. It was as if they just grew there for the sole purpose of seating every guest. Magic no doubt.

Gelilah was nearby, giving quiet orders to the well-dressed servers and other helpers she passed. Twillow's father, Aemond was standing nearby chatting with some of the early arrived guests. Gillam and Elmry were seated at the table conversing. When they saw the group, they stood up in acknowledgement.

Twillow gestured to the shorter fae with the large wings, "This is my brother, Elmry. Elmry, this is Kendrick, Helia, and Sig."

Elmry bowed his head slightly in greeting. He didn't seem too shocked by Helia and Sig but he had a look of unsure recognition when he saw Kendrick.

"Don't I...know you?" he asked the much larger man.

Kendrick briefly diverted his attention away from Valluen to glance at Twillow's short brother, "You might..."

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