Chapter 3

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Song Rec:

No Running From Me by Toulouse (yes its the pool song from Fifty Shades but I just think it sounds so fun and hot at the same time 😂🎱)


"Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Lead -"

"Oh shit! Fuck I am dead!" Alessio borderline screamed. Wait Alessio? Why were we back? Where was I? Oh yes "Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium-"

"Will you shut it? What the fuck happened Alessio? Why the hell do they look like Snoop Dogg's grandkids?" Massimo asked. Wait I am not Snoop Dogg's grandkid.

"Yeah, no shit Einstein" muttered Nevio. Welp. I said that out loud. Oopsies.

"Stop talking. You sound ridiculous. Alessio what the fuck did you do?" Massimo asked again. There was a huge bruise on his neck. OH MY GOD IT'S A HICKEY!!

"SHUT IT!" both Alesio and Massimo said at the same time. I really had no filter anymore. Oh well.

"Shit. I fucked up. I wasn't supposed to do this. Damn it, dad is going to really kill me. I think I accidentally gave them my edibles" Lessi said in a rush running a hand through his hair and over his face.

Before I could even think Lotta said "WHAT?" in the most squeaky way possible. Or maybe it was my funky brain.

"I may have given them brownies that contained an unknown and unmeasurable amount of marijuana in them, that formerly belonged to me" said Alessio, why was he sounding so formal? Oh wait, that's just how Nino Falcone's kids talked when they were in trouble. Nevio was just staring at me and smiling and it felt really nice and fuzzy. So I smiled back. Why did he have to look so hot? His hair looked like the fluffiest thing in the whole world. So I pet his head and his face looked like a happy kitten. It was so cute.

"Stop that!" Massimo snatched my arm away and snapped. "If Fabiano Scuderi or worse Aunt Leona finds out that you got their daughter high, you're gonna be on the run Alessio! Hell, dad and uncle Remo might help them dismember you."

"I know, I didn't try to get them high! What should we do? We can't exactly take her home-"

"You know what sounds perfect right now? Adventuredome. I would kill for a roller coaster right about now." How did Nevio always end up with the best ideas? But then I got my own bright idea "Ooh, we could take off our belts when we are upside down and fly!"

Carlotta's looked at me as if I had grown another skull. "No you won't. We better keep an eye on them or else they might get themselves killed."

"Yes well I am not baby sitting these stoners. My job ended at driving you so I am gonna skedaddle!" whiny Massimo? What is going on?

"We could lock them in a room until they are sober. Thats what dad did with uncle Adamo when he was a junkie" said Alessio excitedly.

"Oh and I can say that Aurora is at a sleepover at my house if her parents ask." Carlotta and Alessio grinned at each other and suddenly there was door slamming in my face. What the actual fuck?

"HEY! OPEN UP!" I hollered banging by fists on the door. What the hell was going on? The hair on the back of my neck rose as a shadow passed the window and its pane clattered to the wall. I had to get the hell out. I screamed and banged my fists against the unyielding door, to no avail. The shadow crept closer and I could feel my doom nearing. So this was it. I was going to die locked in my best friends party house at the hands of some drunk psyc-

"Will you shut the hell up Scuderi? Its just me goddamn it!" Nevio? What the hell? He smirked and my fears melted away, replaced with relief and a weird tingling sensation. "Who knew all it took was a shadow to scare the fuck out of the great Aurora Scuderi" he chuckled. I wanted to strangle him and hug him at the same time.

"What the hell is going on Falcone? Why is nothing making sense?"

Nevio's eyes were burning a trail over my body and I couldn't look away. Even when I knew the answer, I wondered were his eyes black or brown? The question flitted through my head as he sauntered closer to me. I took a step back, but he kept walking until my back hit the wall. His face inches from mine when he drawled "It seems that we are stoned. Ha, who knew right? But now I see why we are the richest people in Vegas." His dark eyes were drawing me in and that up close I could tell that they were indeed brown. His pupils were so dilated that the brown was near invisible. He ran a finger up my neck and if I wasn't so sure he could hear my loud pulse, I am sure as hell he could feel it racing. His fingers moved up and traced the outline of my lips and I closed my eyes. "Fuck" he sighed, leaving my body cold as he moved away from me. My eyes flew open and Nevio ran a shaky hand through his hair.


"Just nothing, forget I did anything. We should sleep."

"No what? What were you going to say? Tell me Falcone, you have been acting so-" and before I could finish his lips were on mine, silencing me with a harsh kiss. My palms came up to his chest, ready to push away when his cupped my face and his tongue teased my lips and everything melted away. There was only Nevio. I moaned into his mouth and he kissed me like he was starving. My hands involuntary stroked his neck and suddenly, as if waking up, his grip on my face loosened as he pulled away. I was breathless and my brain was incapable of making a coherent thought. "Pretend like this never happened" he murmured, sounding a little out of breath and sank down on the bed. He quickly lit a cigarette trying to catch his breath and in the moonlight, Nevio's face glowed like a fallen angel. I had never seen anything more magnificent and wanted him for myself. My self-centered self was rearing its ugly head and in that moment, everything about Nevio was perfect. Even the cancer-stick in his mouth. He was an enigma and I wanted nothing more than to feel my heart race like it did when he kissed me.

"No" I said moving towards the bed and brushing his hair away from his eyes.

His stubbed out the cigarette and narrowed his eyes in the most sexy way possible."No? Well why the hell not? Did anything happen?"

"No, but something is about to" I said again, pushing his leather jacket away and capturing his lips in mine. In an instant, his arm circled my waist, his tongue was in my mouth and I was flipped on back. The only thing I remembered after that was ecstasy. 

By Honor I CrumbleWhere stories live. Discover now