* S E V E N *

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©  Amber Kalkes 2015


"Ramble On" By Led Zeppelin

*S E V E N *

When I describe how this feels I don’t want to be cliché. I really don’t but I can’t help myself. As soon as his lips are on mine I lose all control of my body. My hand grips the back of his neck, holding him closer to me as I inhale his scent deeper. His large hands rakes through my hair making those tingles cover every bit of skin above my waist.

Angling my head a bit he deepens the kiss, which I quickly allow. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and I easily match his passion without problem. I pull a little on the hair at the nape of his neck making him break the kiss to let out a little growl. I shiver at the sound but with the intake of air comes clarity. I should really not being doing this.

He’s about to claim my mouth again when I push on his chest to stop him. He glances up at me, lips swollen, eyes dazed and I fight the urge to kiss him again. This is insane. No this is more than insane. In fact, this is dangerous. Keeping my hands on his chest I leans back as far as I can until I’m at a safe distance. Once I am I lean my head on the steering wheel and try to catch my breath.


“Just give me a minute.” I tell him hoarsely.

Surprisingly he stays quiet. Closing my eyes I try to push away the shocks moving through my body. I shouldn’t be feeling this and especially not with him. He tried to kill me just last night and yet here I am kissing him! What is wrong with me? Shaking my head I sit back in my seat with a sigh.

What a cluster fuck.


Keeping my eyes closed I let out another sigh, “Yes Brandon?”

“Are you…?”

“I’m fine.” I assure him and myself quickly with a lie. “I’m fine.”

“I…I don’t know why I did that.”

I can feel my heart drop with every word he adds to that sentence. Still I keep quite and just stare outside of the front window, my hands squeezing the steering wheel. I may not like him but we definitely have some kind of connection I don’t understand. Hearing him dismissing it as misjudgment, no matter how true it may be, doesn’t make me feel any less conflicted about this whole situation.

“You just looked so beautiful and I’ve been feeling this…draw towards you. I don’t know what it is because it’s faint but its something hard to ignore. It was stupid of me to give into it though.”

My jaw clenches but I don’t say a word.

“Werewolves have something called a mate.” He says with a sigh as he runs a hand over his short dark hair. “It’s a soul mate. To be honest I don’t even know if she even exists anymore but I can’t risk hurting you just in case. I mean I’m an asshole but I’m not such a heartless dick that I would want to toy with you like that. I’m sorry, Ruth, really I am but it can’t go any further than this.”

Again, I don’t respond. Instead I just put the car into gear and pull away from the side of the road in silence. I don’t really have anything to say. I’m too busy trying to ignore the deep emotional pain I’m feeling hearing him say those words, which also doesn’t make any sense. I barely even know this guy and now I’m on the verge of tears when all he’s doing is telling me the truth.

HexOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora