* T H I R T Y-E I G H T *

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© Amber Kalkes 2015


"Spanish Castle Magic" By Jimi Hendrix {Live Version}

* T H I R T Y – E I G H T *

Wren didn't even have to verbally give me the permission to leave her side for me to know that I was already excused. The stricken look on my face as I recalled the vision I'd had of Brandon's black wolf with which I could now assume was Jamie's gold wolf was enough for her. It was enough for me too. Well that coupled with the haunting visions of Raze on the battlefield. I didn't want that for anyone and if I could help on the front lines then it was something that had to be done.

Wren couldn't really fault me for my decision either. If she were in the condition to go out and protect Jack she wouldn't have even paused like I had. She would have been out the door and in her second skin before you'd have even known what was happening. We both knew that. The only one who did throw a fit was Mary.

"Don't go," Mary pleads, grabbing my wrist just as I head for the door, "Brandon is a Beta right? He's strong. He can handle it! He doesn't need you to go in there and be his warrior woman to save the day! He can do this on his own!"

By the time she's done with her speech she's in tears. Mary is scared and rightfully so. I'm heading into a warzone with nothing to defend me but my own shaky abilities. To calm her down I want to say that she's right. I want to say that I'll stay with her, Wren and Nadine. I want to say it but I can't.

Brandon is, other than the other three women in that room, all I had in my life that I could ever claim to have really loved. I wasn't going to let him handle this on his own, even if that meant doing something really, really stupid. Even if it meant putting myself in a tough situation, I wasn't going to keep locked up in this house like some precious treasure. Because, if it came down to it, I know Brandon would do the exact same thing for me.

I hug Mary tightly and she cries against my neck. I think its in relief for her. She thinks I'm going to stay behind. Looking over her should I meet eyes with Nadine who is busy rubbing Wren's swollen belly when the baby gets restless. Nadine's eyes hold the same concern as Mary's but she doesn't beg me to stay. Instead she just gives me one solemn nod, an acceptance of what we both know I have to do.

Pulling back, I cup Mary's face in my hands, "I love you and I'll be right back."

She looks ashen and shocked as her wide brown eyes search mine, "You're going?"

"I have to."

Mary shakes her head as anger sweeps over her face, "No you don't! You don't have to do any of this! You're job is to protect Wren and the baby! How are you going to do that if you're out there playing Wonder Woman? What's going to happen to us if they make it in here and kill us?"

"That isn't going to happen Mary," I snap at her, the image she's painting too harsh to even think about, "I'm not abandoning you but I'm not going to leave Brandon unprotected either!"

"How," Mary demands, "Tell me how you're going to do both of those things without canceling out the other? Tell me!"

My eyes shift over to Nadine again and she purses her full lips at me in disapproval before standing on her feet. She walks out of the room without a word and the other two women in the room look bewildered. I feel my tension rise with every second that passes and she's not back. I need to get out there sooner rather than later and Nadine taking her sweet ass time isn't making my anxiety any better.

Almost a full minute later Nadine comes back with a large hex bag in her arms and a very unimpressed look on her face. Looking over my shoulder at Mary she gives her a stern glance, "You keep an eye on Wren, I'll be back in five minutes."

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