* T W E N T Y - O N E *

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©  Amber Kalkes 2015


"Sparks" By The Who

* T W E N T Y- O N E *

“Yes. Mhmm. Yup. You too, Jared.” I smile before hanging up the phone.

“So?” Mary asks with a weird little jump.

I hand her the phone and shrug, “He’s nice.”

“I told you he was!”

I roll my eyes and walk around her, “A little old though.”

“Its only four years older than me.” She snorts, crossing her hands over her chest. “Dad and mom are like, I don’t know, seven years apart.”

I stop by the bedroom door and arch a brow at her, “Are you seriously using dad and mom as examples for a relationship?”

Mary’s face screws up, apparently disgusted, “Ew. Good point.”

“That’s what I thought.” I tell her with a smile, “Hungry?”


Opening the bedroom door I walk out of the room and speak to Mary over my shoulder, “Lets see what these guys have in this place to nibble on huh?”

“Most likely kibble.”

“Actually, we have a wide array of foods.” Someone says from behind us. We turn around to see a brunette with pretty blue eyes and a shitty attitude written all over her face. “And I assure you, none of it tastes like dog food.”

“She was just joking.” I assure her and reach over to take Mary’s hand so she is tempted to start anything.

The girl’s eyes slide over to me with disgust clear in them, “I’m sure she was but I suggest when you're in this house you learn to respect your position in it. You’re nothing more than humans and in this world that means you’re at the bottom of the totem pole.”

“You can’t talk to her like that.” Mary snaps, “She’s Beta female.”

The girl looks me over slowly before clicking her tongue, “So your Brandon’s new whore? Well enjoy it while it lasts because it never lasts long.”

“And you’d know?” I ask doubtfully.

“Are you kidding?” She scoffs, “I usually have a front row seat. He uses you pieces of trash like toilet paper and throws you out before you can even think twice about it. He’s looking for his mate, sweetheart, not some dime store hooker.”

Mary steps towards the girl and I pull her back making the girl huff a laugh. Narrowing my eyes at the girl I step in front of Mary and grab the collar of my shirt. Pulling it down I make sure she’s got an eye full of my mark, Brandon’s mark, as a reality check. Her eyes widen before she scoffs and plays it off as looking unimpressed.

“You?” She asks with another scoff, “Poor Brandon. All this waiting for nothing special.”

“Come on, Ruth. Let me beat this bitch to the ground.”

“Allow me.” A new voice adds in.

We both turn to see the Alpha herself with a smirk on her face. Her mohawk is messy on the top of her head and her hazel eyes are glittering with challenge. I may be new to this whole werewolf thing but it’s not hard to sense her wolf near the surface. The snotty girl drops her head in supplication immediately and steps back from us. It’s satisfying to see her knocked off her pedestal but not as satisfying as it would have been had I been the one to do it.

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