* F O U R *

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© Amber Kalkes 2015


"Little Wing" By The Jimi Hendrix Experience

*F O U R *

Leaving Brandon in the cabin I'm currently rummaging through the shed trying to find something he can puke in. I can't find much in this dusty dark place other than a lot of gardening tools and some of Nadine's past hobbies. Like the loom I find, because that's a useful skill apparently. Pushing it aside, surprised by how heavy the damn thing is, I spot a large metal bucket on a shelf.

About damn time I found this too because Brandon was looking a little green when I left.

I jump when I feel my phone in my back pocket starts trilling with 'Bad Girls' By M.I.A. Mary, the brat changed it last time she was at my house. Of course me being as wound tight as I have been make everything in the shed jump when I do and when they all land I wince. Some things sounded like they broke when they landed and to save myself the dread I just turn my back to them.

I don't want to know the damage, really I don't.

Digging my phone out I smile a little at the picture. Mary is pressed up against glass so it makes her look like she's trapped in my phone. Its funny but with a crabby egotistical wolf man waiting for me its hard to muster much for a laugh. Really I'm just dreading going back in there.

"Fantastic." I mumble before pushing the green button. "Hello?"

"You didn't call me."

Rolling my eyes I grab the handle of the bucket and head for the shed door. "I've been busy."

Mary scoffs. "Doing what? You said it was nothing but trees and animals out there. Fall in love in a moose already?"

My thoughts go to Brandon at the word 'moose'. He's as big and ornery as one so I'll chalk it up to that. Closing the shed door behind me I push a stick straight piece of my black hair out of my face. I really need a bath.

"Not as of yet but give me time."

"You seem a little high strung, Ruthie. You okay?"

"Yeah." I sigh before frowning. "Why do you ask?"

Opening the door I roll my eyes when I see Brandon again trying to get the chain off the bed frame's leg. He stops as soon as I step into the cabin and glares at me. If looks could kill I would say I'd be mortally wounded right now. Putting the bucket on the table I turn to him to see him about to open his mouth.

Putting my hand over the receiver I hiss at him. "Say one fucking word and I'll leave the wolfsbane in you to rot you inside out."

He bares his teeth at me. "Why should I do anything you tell me to? You're probably working with those fucking hunters!"

"Believe me, puppy, if I was I would have put a bullet between your eyes by now."

He scoffs. "I'd like to see you try. 'You don't kill people' remember?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Honey, for you, I think I could make an exception."

"Ruth? Are you there? Whom are you talking to?"

Pointing at him at warning I put the phone back to my ear, "Sorry, Mary. Nadine has me taking care of one of pet projects and this one is a huge pain in the ass."

Brandon sneers at me before running a hand through his hair. I watch the muscles in his arm move and salivate a bit. What? He may be a pain in the ass but he's a hot pain in the ass. Which sounds way more wrong than I anticipated.

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