* T W E L V E *

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©  Amber Kalkes 2015


"Burning For You" By Blue Oyster Cult

*T W E L V E *

A grumpy Brandon is not a Brandon one can be around easily. He keeps doing that deeply pained sighing thing that has been driving me nuts. He also is blatantly ignoring me by not looking at me. If I ask him a question all he does is grunt in response and two hours in I'm about ready to pull this car over and beat him to death.

When he sighs from the passenger seat one last time my patience is officially spent. Pulling the car over to the side of the road I hear him as me what I'm doing but I ignore him. Shoving the car into park I keep my eyes staring directly out of the front window, gritting my teeth.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Turning on him I send him my dirtiest glare. "Don't you even go there with me, Mr. Tantrum! I am sick and tired of your sighing and moping and quite frankly being a huge dick. Yes, I didn't listen to you because guess what buddy? I'm an adult and if I want to come to your fucking pack with you then I damn well will!"


"You're pack needs my help. Your Alpha needs my help. If I can do that, not only for her but for you, then I will and you, acting like some toddler is not helping my stress levels right now! If you don't understand let me lay it out for you. One," I begin unfurling my pointer finger from my fist, "I meet you, a werewolf, which by the way were supposed to be just footnotes on a page."

"Secondly, I have to save your ass from people pulling guns on me while also trying to understand this weird draw I have to you. Thirdly, I then have to help you heal which I definitely did not sign up for, before having to protect myself from you because you also try to kill me."


"Oh and to top it all off, despite my original dislike for you, I find that I am your soul mate! So forgive me oh mighty Brandon, king of all reason and being a class 'A' asshole, if I am a bit edgy. Giive me a fucking break and get over yourself."

When I'm done with my rant I'm panting from all the effort though I have to admit I feel a lot better. Brandon doesn't say anything and I take it as a sign he's processing what I just said. Putting the car back into drive I pull back onto the road feeling my shoulders slowly relax as some of the tension leaves my body. There, I think with a little smile, now it's off my chest.

"Can I speak now?" Brandon asks tentatively.

"If you must."

"I'm sorry."

I turn my head and lift my eyebrow at him. "For?"

"Are you seriously going to ask for a pound of flesh from me?" He asks, nearly whining.

I shrug, "I don't know Brandon. I'm not the one apologizing here."

"Fine." He grunts before running his hand down his face. "I'm sorry I put all this on you without so much of a warning. I'm also sorry about acting like an overprotective dick. I don't want to be suffocating or anything, really I don't but...it's just as overwhelming for me as it is for you. I have all this...I don't know, caring I guess for you. I want to protect you from all the bad shit and keep you behind me just so I can take the brunt of what's coming for you."

"You can't protect me from everything, Brandon."

"I know that." He admits quietly. "I do but that doesn't mean I don't want to. My wolf and I would tear apart anything that even looked at you in a way we didn't like. I would burn the world down if it meant to keep you safe and happy."

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