* T H R E E *

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©  Amber Kalkes 2015


"Crazy On You" By Heart

*T H R E E *


I’ve heard about them before this but it was kind of one of those things I never thought I’d see in real life. Still I can’t ignore the evidence right before me. This man turned into a wolf and then back into a human man. I saw it with my own two eyes so denial isn’t going to fly for long.

It took me almost an hour to drag his bulky ass back to the cabin. It was freezing, he was naked and for some reason I felt like a real asshole for even considering leaving him there. Now I’m stuck with no idea on what the hell to do with him. Considering his size compared to mine I don’t think we’d have a fair fight, gun or no gun.

So I ended up searching through the nearby shed for something to keep him at a distance from me until I can come up with a plan. My gaze moves down to the chain leading from the leg of the heavy wooden bed frame to his ankle. I added this little safety measure with a bike lock I found and I can’t help but grimace at the sight. Well you know what they say; desperate times call for desperate measures.

Leaning my head back against the wall I close my eyes trying to not fall asleep from my sitting position on the bed. I need to keep my head clear and the eyes on the back of my head open. I don’t know this guy. He could be some crazy sex fiend and yet my dumb ass let him in my house.

Stupidity thy name is Ruth.

The chain rattles a bit and I open my eyes to peek over at my guest. He’s still really naked and balled up on the floor in the corner by the bathroom shivering. My heart pinches sharply at the sight and despite my better judgment I decide to do something about it.

Grabbing the extra blanket hanging over the edge of the bed and open it up slowly. Cautiously enough to sneak up on a mouse I make my way over to him and bite my lip as a way of making sure I don’t make a noise. Crouching a little I lean over him and lay the blanket over him. It doesn’t cover all of him, the guy has to be part giant but it does the job.

My hand seems to be acting on its own agenda as I find myself reaching towards him. I don’t know what exactly I’m reaching for but the urge to soothe him is nearly overwhelming. Just when my fingers are about to touch his cheek his large hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. I gasp and freeze at the strong shocks moving through my arm from the point of contact.

What the hell is that?

The weight of his eyes on me has me moving my own gaze up to meet his. His eyes are surprisingly still that bright golden color and my heart does that speeding up thing again. I watch more than a little fascinated as his eyes start to roll back into his head and his eyelids begin to flutter. His grip on my wrist loosens and as he looses consciousness again his hand falls limp against the hard wood floor.

Well, I think in shock, that could have gone a hell of a lot worse.

Backing away and back to the safety zone of the bed I crawl back onto the mattress. I watch him for about a half an hour more before I lose consciousness myself. I hate to admit it but it’s the most restful sleep I’ve had in a long time.


I wake up this morning with the horrible realization that last night was not yet another nightmare but in fact reality. How this shit happens to me is beyond me but it happens. Running my hand down my face I slowly sit up and peek over the edge of the bed to thankfully find him still asleep.

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