* F O U R T E E N *

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©  Amber Kalkes 2015


"Voodoo Child" By The Jimi Hendrix Experience

*Mild Sexual Content

*F O U R T E E N *

As I leave the office I see Jack leaning against the nearby wall waiting. His hands are in his jean pockets and his head is downcast before he looks up at me under his lashes. His eyes are a little sad and I don't need to be a mind reader to know why. No one likes being in trouble with their significant other, Wren is just a bit scarier than most.

"Waiting for the misses, I see." I comment as the door clicks closed behind me.

"Yeah, being on her bad side is not my favorite place to be" He smirks before nodding towards the door, "So how'd it go in there?"

"Well I'm alive so there's that."

He inclines his head a little, "That is always a plus."

"So where's Brandon?"

Jack shrugs his broad shoulders, "Most likely tidying his room for you. He was going to wait out here for you but I told him I'd show you were to go. You'll thank me later."

"That bad?"

"Horrible." He says with a fake shudder. "I may have you check with the pack doctor to make sure you don't get an diseases."

I laugh but the pain in my head spikes making me hiss and clutch my head, "Uh, do you know where did you say the room was?"

"Down the hall, sixth door on the left. Are you okay?"

I nod as I squeeze my eyes closed, "Yeah just a headache. Seventh door you said?"

"Sixth. On the left. Do you need help?"

I chuckle and shake my head before opening one eye, "No thanks. You have a good side to get on and it would plain cruel of me to get in the way of that."

Jack doesn't laugh but only frowns deeper, "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." I assure him. "Thanks though."

I turn to walk away from him when I hear him call out to me again, "Ruth?"


"Be good to him okay?"

I frown a little but nod before turning away from him again. I hear Wren yell at him as Jack opens the office door and smile a little. He certainly has his hands full with that one. I'm not really paying attention to where I'm going the pain in my head completely distracting. So when a pair of arms completely knock me off my feet and sweep me up against a warm cheat I'm more then a little surprised.

"What the—"

"You're in pain." Brandon says gruffly.

"Yeah a headache, nothing to call the press about." I drawl while squinting at him, "How did you know anyway?"

He glances down at me, "Mate bond."

"You can feel my pain?"

"Its vague but its there." He says cautiously when he sees my dumbfounded expression, "Does this happen often?"

I sigh and lay my head against his shoulder as he carries me down the hallway, "Sometimes. Usually when I haven't used my gifts in a while. I've been a bit...out of sorts the last few months so I'm a bit rusty."

"Why were you using them in the first place?" Brandon asks with narrowed eyes.

I glare right back at him, "Don't even think of scolding me. Your Alpha likes to challenge people and I just so happen to like rising to a challenge so I had to put on a show. It did what it needed to do so if your going to complain go away."

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