Last Chapter (28)

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Killua's p.o.v

The night we arrived back to the home we know, was a night that opened our eyes. We were both finally able to fully process what we had just gone through. For me, a year longer. I'm glad Gon was able to be home for that year. I want to be selfish and say I wish he was there with me but I cant. At least he had someone with him...Kai. We did him did him wrong. I told Gon it was ok to Kill him. All because he had a stupid crush on him...I don't think Gon has processed that he really killed him yet..if he did...he wouldn't be able to forgive himself...and I let him do it anyways.

Later that night

I still haven't been able to fall asleep yet. Every time I close my eyes I see the faces of the ones who died. I'm so tired..

There's a shuffling sound coming from next to me. Gon lifts himself out of bed and wobbles over to the door, opens it, and closes it behind him. He must be going to the bathroom..

I glance at the spot he was sleeping in. I roll my body over into that spot and plop my face into his pillow. His relaxing. After I lay there for a few moments I start thinking of some small memories I have had with him. Things that happened before the island, and even during. I can't believe I'm finally with him. I waited so long. The time of our first kiss crosses my memory making me blush. Hehe..He's so cute.

Gon still doesn't come back for a while. Why's it taking him so long? Out of paranoia, I decide to get up and check on him.

The floor creaks as I step towards the bathroom. I open the door and peak inside but no one is there. Huh? Then, I walk down the stairs in the pitch black to see if he went to the living room or something.

As I walk past the front door I notice something. It's halfway open. My heart drops. Did he...?

I don't waist another second before quickly grabbing a jacket and throwing some shoes on. Where did he go!?

I carefully shut the door so I don't wake his Aunt up and then Sprint away trying to think of somewhere he'd go.

Ugh..the school maybe?

I run as fast as I can in the direction of the school. The sun is already starting to rise. I quicken my pace. I pass by a small garden that overlooks the ocean. I stop.

There he is..

He's sitting on a rock which is hanging over a ledge with the ocean down below. A beautiful view..

I walk over to him trying to catch my breath. "....Gon."

He turns his head to look at me.

I furrow my brows when I see him. His eyes are red and puffy and year marks run down the side of his face. He quickly turns away. ...

"I thought I'd be fine...but...turns out in not." He forces smile.

Every time he speaks I feel tug at my heart.

"I've killed two people! I murdered my friend! Why should I be standing here alive when they are dead! " He makes small sniffle sounds and wipes at his eyes constantly.

I bite my tongue. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry...

The moment I sit next to him he burrys his face into my chest and sobs. He grabs the back of my shirt tightly.

"It hurts so bad should have been me who di-"

"Don't you dare say that. It was my fault Kai died. I told you it was if your going to blame anyone then blame me.

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