Chapter 13

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Gon's p.o.v
(Just so your not confused, Gon was never pushed down into the room. That was all part of Killua's hallucination.)

We've probably been standing here for 30-40 minutes arguing about who's going to go down the slide. A decision still absent been made.

"Gee Gon, Killua's probably down there wondering what the hecks going on. Stop being to stubborn and go already." Kai sighs.

"I already told you, your hurt. If you don't go you could die. We have no idea how long it will take to find another entrance." I argue.

Kai puts a hand up to his forehead. "Ok then answer this....if you had to pick either me or Killua do die, who would you pick?"

"I-...." I look away from him.

"it's obvious you would pick Killua. You guys are best friends. You've known either for a long time haven't you? Why are you trying to help someone who you've only known for a few days when you could be with the one who lo-...the one you've know for a long time.."

I can't really argue with him..I just want what's best for everyone..

"You also need to apologize to him." He adds.

I nod my head slowly.

Kai let's out a sigh of relief. "Thank you...Hisoka and I will find another entrance. I promise."

"Ok.." I step closer to the stone slide and position myself to slide down.

"Stay safe..ok?"

Kai nods. "Bye Goooon~" Hisoka purrs.

I sit down and then drift down into the dark.

Killua's p.o.v

I gulp down some of the water in the canteen the guy with the glasses gave me. After I'm done I hand it back to him.

Our attention is then directed to the entrance that I came from, as we here someone coming down.

Both of the others look to be more cautious now.

"Don't worry. It's someone I know." I reassure.

"Who?" The blond asks.

"Ah...well it could actually be 1 of 3 people so I'm not sure which one." I say.


Please be Gon, please be Gon, please be Gon..

A slim figure pops out of the entrance and stumbles a bit trying to keep their balance.

I fix my eyes on them and try to hold in a smile.

Gon is staring right at me and I'm staring right back at him.

He breaks eye contact quickly. "Killua..."


"I uh...I'm sorry." He Says barley above a whisper. I can tell he's trying his best to keep in his tears.

This surprises me. I didn't expect him to apologize. I walk closer to him and stop when I'm directly in front of him.

"You know...that was pretty jacked up." I say in a calm voice.

He nods gently. "Yes I know."

"And..I'm still pretty mad. I have so many things I want to say to you right now's better off they go un said."

"I'm sorry for being a terrible friend." He adds.

I grab one of his arms and pull him into a hug. "Shut up idiot. I wouldn't be who I am today without you. I love you ok?" I say without thinking first.

Gon's eyes widen a bit.

I quickly push him away and look away to hide my increasing blush. " a friend!"

He now has his usual bright smile on his face. "Then I love you too Killua!"

I turn around to look at the other 2 people in the room who I completely forgot about. Oh God that's embarrassing..

They both have smiles on their faces as well. "So this is the Gon you were talking about earlier huh?" The guy with glasses says.

My face turns even redder then it already is. "Y.....yea......"

Gon looks up to see the two standing there. He smiles again. "Hi I'm Gon! Looks like we're gonna be teammates." Gon chirps.

The blond speaks first. "Your as energetic as ever. Well, I'm Kurapika and this is my friend Leorio. Seems like we both know people from outside this "game". "

"Wow...what a coincidence." I say.

For a moment Gon stares really hard at Kurapika.

"Gon stop staring!" I whisper.

"Um Killua I can't tell if that one is a girl or a guy." Leorio over hears this and bursts out laughing.

"Ahahahaha...oh my...he's a he." Leorio says.

Gon looks a little embarrassed.

Kurapika punches Leorio in the arm. "Don't worry about it Gon. It happens all the time."

I'm trying my best to hold in my laugh as Well. After all I thought the same thing..

"Soo you guys seem pretty close. If you don't mind me asking, are y'all...together?" Kurapika asks casually.

I look over at Gon who is now blushing a shade of light pink.

I decide to tease him a bit since he did this to me last time. "Yep! Definitely together." I say while pulling Gon's waist closer to me.

Seems like Gon has the same idea as me...

He smirks as I do this and puts his face right up to mine. "Yea...why doing we finish what we were gonna do earlier hm?" He looks down at my lips. He's so close I can feel his breath.

I push him away instantly and cover my face. It's even redder than his. Was he referring to when....i....almost kissed him..!?

He starts laughing. "If you tease me ima tease you back."

I role my eyes. "Whatever.."
I end up telling Gon about the hallucination I had. He stays quiet for a while after that. I mean, I don't blame him. It was bad...and the weird thing is how real it felt. This place has technology and even drugs that are much more advanced then the society we live in. I wonder how long we'll be here...or if we'll even make it back alive. So many people have already died.

It's only a matter of time before.....before...?


Disappearance [KilluGon]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें