Chapter 4

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Gon's p.o.v

I walk a little behind the blond boy and follow him in the direction that he saw Killua in. I'm a little surprised that he is actually showing me where to go. I hope there are more people out there who are like him...I was lucky that I didn't run into someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill..

"...ey...hey???" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up at the boy. He has stopped walking and is looking directly at me.

"Ah...sorry I zoned out." I blurt out while rubbing the back of my neck.

He sighs. "This isn't the place to be zoning out. That could get you killed." He mutters sternly.


He smiles slightly. "Lighten up. As long as your with me you'll be fine. It's just better to be extra cautious. I took some self defense and combat classes recently."

"Thanks for helping me..."

"'s just remind me of my sister a lot." His face turns a little red after saying this from embarrassment.

"Pftt. Your sister?" I ask.

We continue walking.

"Yea. She acts a lot like you. A little air headed sometimes but really sweet to others people no matter the situation.."

"Air headed?!"


I smile and role my eyes.

"We should be near by the last place I saw him soon. Make sure to keep a look out."

I nod.

After walking for about another 30 minutes, we begin to hear something in the distance. "What is that?" I ask curiously.

"It sounds like...yelling? Let's check it out." He adds.

We decide to continue in the direction of the sound and as we get closer the sound starts to come together more. When we approach the area we notice a steep hill in front of us and whoever's making the sound is down there.

I quickly peak my head over the cliff and stare down. My eyes finally adjust to the sight and I gasp.

The blond quickly catches on to my shock and pulls my arm back so I won't be seen.
"Shhhh!!! Stay quiet! You cannot go down there with out a plan!" He yell-whispers.

"B...b...but! H...hes...Killua's down there! He's injured!" I say louder then I meant. He throws a hand over my mouth to shush me.

"I realised that...but all we have is one knife and just by taking one look at that other guy who is up against Killua, he has a lot more then one. If we go into this with out a plan we could all be killed." He says.

Everything in my body is telling me to just jump down there and save him but I know I can't do that. "We need to hurry then...he doesn't look like he can hold that guy off much longer.."

"I think I know what we can do. One of us will need to act as a decoy while the other goes in from behind and stabs the guy. You should probably be the decoy..." He looks away from me.

"Are you sure with stabbing him...." I hesitate to ask.

He nods and takes the knife out from his pocket and grips it in his hand. " go from the go from the front now!"

I don't even think for another second before I slide my self down the hill and jump in front of the man who is on top of Killua, holding the knife above his neck. Killua is desperately holding the man's hands up to keep the guy from stabbing him.

Killua doesn't even budge but the man squintes his eyes at me. "Hahaha...other youngster....I might as well kill you all!!!" The guy screams.

I then go keep tears out while staring at my best friend in the state that he's in. "Let him go!!!"

I see Killua's body jerk some when he heard my voice. This makes his grip losses on the man's hands and the knife begins to touch the top of Killua's throat causing a decent amount of blood to spill out. "Ahhhhg!!!" He groans out in pain. I instantly throw hands over my mouth.

He man pushes down harder on Killua. That's when I notice the blond quickly and quietly making his way to the man. When he reaches the man he doesn't even hesitate before plunging the knife into his right rib cage. Blood behind to gush out and the confused man drops the knife he's holding, allowing Killua to scramble away from him.

After getting a good enough distance from the Man, Killua's eyes connect with mine. In that moment it seemed like everything around us had come to a stop. My eyes finally release the years they were holding back.

Killua runs as fast as he can straight at me, practically jumping on me. We both fall the the ground and Killua has his arms tightly wrapped around me. I do the same to him. We don't even think about the Man or anyone around us we only think about this moment right now. "I...thought you were dead...when they shot you...I..." I notice Killua struggles to get his words together so I tighten my grip around him. "'s ok..I'm ok.."

He pulls his head back a bit and places a hand over my cheek. His face turns a deep shade of red before he looks away from me.

I rip a piece off my shirt and dab it on the part where Killua was cut on his neck.

"This was my fault..." I say while caressing it a bit to get all the blood off.

Killua wipes the tears from my eyes and then rises from the ground. "Its wasn't.." He quietly says.

He helps me up off the ground.

"Ahem... ?" The blond boy clears his throat while holding a bloody knife in his hand.

Killua instantly takes a few steps back and tries to pull me back with him.

"Wait...he's not out enemy. He helped saved you." I say while smiling at the blond.

Killua narrows his eyes at him. "Hmf..what's Your name?"

"Um..I'm Kai."

"Don't worry Killua, he won't hurt us. Without him I wouldn't have been able to help you."

Killua nods slightly at Kai.

"Well anyways, I guess I should be on my way now since you've found who you were looking for..I hope we can meet again when this is all over. " Kai looks a little hurt while saying this.

" should stay with us!" I blurt.

Kai's eyes seem to light up when I say this but he instantly looks away from me after Killua gives him a look of displeasure.

"I....uh...I don't know if that's the best idea." Kai tilts his head to the left a bit.

"Hmm remember, you are the one with the weapon..After all" I say repeating his own words back at him.
I'll be posting around 1 or 2 times a week now. THANKS FOR READING AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!✌

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