Chapter 23 :,)

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Ehehehe I felt like writing some more so here we are. It's shorter than usual but who cares. :,)

Gon's p.o.v

It's only been a few days since Kai and I have come back and Aunt Mito is already making me go back to school. Kai as well. He's going to the same school as me now. Even the police couldn't find out anything about him. Not where he lives or any of his family. I think all he had was his sister...but she's gone now. My injuries healed much faster then I expected. Kai on the other hand still needs to visit the hospital every once in a while for that wound he got from that creature a while ago. Today is our first day back. Oh and while I was away, seems Retz broke up with me without me knowing haha. Guess she got tired of me.
When we enter the school, everyone stares. Normally when I walk in, people surround me. Retz must of said something to them..all the girls are staring at Kai tho. He's pretty good looking so of course he's going to get a lot of attention.

"Why are they all looking at us?" He whispers.

I smile. "Well, either their staring at the bandages on our faces or all the girls are interested in you hehe." I whisper back.

He lets out a soft laugh. "I see."

They put Kai in all my classes since I was the only one he knew. This was better anyways. He's the only one who talks to me now. I wonder what Retz told everyone.
It's lunch time now and Kai and I are sitting at a table in the back so we can talk about the situation.

"So, any ideas on how were gonna find Killua and the others?" Kai asks.

"I've been doing research. I've looked up everything I could find about where we went and there was nothing." I let out a loud sigh.

"we'll find them. I'm sure of it. " Kai reassures.

"I'm just scared to get my hopes up. What if that longer exist? What if everyone is already dead? What'll I do then!"

"You always have shouldn't say things like that." Kai seems to stop whatever he was saying at first. I

"I know.."

After school gets out Kai and I walk back home. When I open the door, there's a tall lady talking with Aunt Mito. They stop when we walk in.

"Gon, Kai, this lady here is going to be your new therapist. Gon..I've noticed you still think your little dream was real. It's about time you get over that. She will help understand what was real and what was not." Aunt Mito says fidgeting around with her hands.

This angers me. "Earlier this week I said I didn't want any more therapist! You don't know anything! It was real and NO ONE will convince me other wise." I run up to my room and Alan the door shut leaving Kai.

Mito sighs. Kai apologizes quickly and then runs up after me.

That was the last time I saw a therapist for a while. And my Aunt
stopped pressing them on me.

Big time skip :D (11 months later) Kai's p.o.v

11 months have already passed and Gon has completely worn himself out. It's almost been a year since the day we came back but he still hasn't given up on Killua. I know I told him not to give up but..He's hurting himself now. We haven't found a single clue either. He's just not the same anymore. He barely eats or sleeps. He has nightmares almost every night from the weeks we spent in that island. He says he sees the faces of the people who died and the one he killed. It's not like I'm perfectly fine either. I get nightmares every once in a while too. And I still miss my much. I think it's time that I tell him...yea...
Gon is pacing back and forth in his room while I am sitting in the floor just watching him.


Hes so lost in thought.


He finally turns his head to look at me. He has black bags hanging under his eyes.

I stand up and walk over to him. He looks up at me with tired eyes. " have to stop this." I say.

He looks like he's about to cry.

"I..I know..but I can't. How do I move on from someone that I loved!?" He raises his tone.

I look away from his eyes. "There's always a way..for everything you know."

He tilts his head to the side a bit to try and gain eye contact back.

"I wish I could forget. I want to forget about the island. I want too forget the people who I met there. I want to forget the pain I felt. I want to forget...Killua." This shocks me.

"but you love him?"

"that's the problem. I love him so much that it hurts. It hurts so damn much. And deep deep inside I already know that I'll never see him again. I don't want to feel miserable for my whole life. He wouldn't want me to feel this way right? Right?! The only way to rid myself of these feeling is to forget."

He's crying now. I know how hard this is for him to say. He hates saying it but it's true.

I stay quiet for a second.

"I just don't know how to forget something that felt so real. Something that made me the happiest. Something I'd die for.."
"I could help you forget.."

He tilts his head up and stares at me. ""

I gulp. "By starting something new..Something that's right in front of your eyes."

"Right in front of..-" His eyes widen.


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