Chapter 9

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Killua's p.o.v

I stare blankly at the strange man bending over in front of me while I am still on the ground. He grins at me.

I take a me a moment to process what is going on but I eventually realise what Gon had done.

My eye twitches. "Gon..........WHY ARE YOU WITH ANOTHER PERSON EVERY TIME I FIND YOU???" I grab him by the collar of his shirt.

"Heh don't know?" Gon says with the most innocent voice he could possibly make.

"Baka baka baka baka baka! How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking to strangers you idiot!" I slap a hand over my forehead.

The stranger in front of me seems to be enjoying this conversation.

I shoot a glare in his direction but that only makes his creepy grin grow.

"I'm sorry! I'll be more careful next time.." Gon looks down to the ground as he says this.

Not that look again...

I let out a sigh and help him up off the ground. Once were both up the moment before that man interrupted makes it's way back into my thoughts. My face immediately turns a crimson red and I clasp a hand over my mouth. What on earth was I thinking..?! Was I actually going to...kiss him?!

I try to look back at Gon's face but he won't even make eye contact with me. He's turned his body away from me completely.

Shit...what is he thinking right now.

There's a long awkward silence between us.

The man decides to speak up. He laughs to himself first. "What an interesting situation..hmm"

Gon's body flinches. " should head back to Kai!" After nervously speaking he quickly starts walking back in the direction of where ever him and Kai decided to run too.

I silently walk behind him and the man behind me.

Not a single word is spoken the whole way back.

After following Gon all the way back, he goes off somewhere near by, by himself. The man looks like he's about to follow him but I stand in front of him, blocking his way.

"Listen up buddy...I don't want you going anywhere near Gon. I saw the way you were looking at him on the way back..."

The man gives me a smirk and just shrugs, walking in the other direction.

I notice that Kai is resting up against a large rock right next to the water. He has a confused look on his face. I decide to go over there and explain the situation.

I slide my back down against the rock and sit next to him. "Gon somehow managed to make another "friend". I don't know how he does it..." I mutter.

Kai observes my face. "I see.Is that what's bothering you?" He asks.

"Wha- how do you know that somethings bothering me?!"

"it shows all over your face."

"Hmf...well if you really want to know...that's not exactly what I've been thinking about..."

"I'm listening.." He says quietly.

I debate on whether or not I should tell him...I mean...he already knows that I like Gon..

I sigh again. "I almost kissed Gon earlier.."

Kai looks surprised at this. "Really? What was his reaction? Why'd you stop?" I

"He won't even look at me now...I made a mistake. I always do things without thinking about the consequences..I already know that Gon doesn't like me back...well at least the way I like him.."

"And you know that for sure?" He says while placing a hand over his wound.

I nod. "If he liked would be dead obvious. He's the worst liar I've ever met. But...he never shows the kind of affection that I show to him. He's constantly talking about how all I am is his best friend..he doesn't realize how much that, that's how I know he doesn't feel the same way for me." My head drops and I fiddle around with my hands.

Kai thinks for a moment. "Maybe he doesn't realize how he feels for you yet. Just by the short amount of time I've been around you guys, I've seen the way he looks at you when your not paying attention. Trust me on this..that look wasn't the look of someone who wants to just be friends. He might just need someone to take action first. Give him a little nudge and I'm sure his true feelings will bloom. This comes from experience." Kai looks at me with sincere eyes.

" are you ok?" He asks.

That's when I realize tears are falling down the sides of my cheeks.

"...?!....s..sorry..!" I quickly wipe them away and my face turns red from embarrassment.

He just gives me a quick smile.

Wow...I really did mis judge him. He helped me a lot..

"Thanks.." I mumble.

"I'm glad I could help! Now before you go off and look for Gon, I think you need to give him some more time to himself. He may need some time too think as well."

I nod. " are you feeling? It seems like the bleeding stopped." I ask Kai while looking at the cloth from part of Gon's shirt wrapped around his side.

"I'm ok..I should be ready to start moving again tomorrow morning." He says.

"Are you sure? That's really soon."

"If I wait any longer that could put us in a dangerous situation. I'll be fine."

"ok then..oh what were you even doing in the first place so early in the morning out side of the cave?"

For a moment there it looked like Kai was nervous..Like he didn't want to answer the question for some reason.

".....I was just...-"

The sound of a loud buzzer goes off before he's able to finish his sentence. I quickly cover my ears at how loud it is.

The speaker goes off again. "Attention! Hello contestants! It is now 7pm. You all know what that means, disappearing time! That will occur after this message. The total number of deaths has reached 53! Good luck to the remaining 47 contestants! But that is not all for news today hehe. I have a new mission that all of you must complete. The remaining contestants must make their way to the mountain on the North side of the island. Once you have made it there, if you are still alive, there will be some entrances that go inside the mountain. These are scattered all around the mountain. Your job is to find one of these and travel into it. That will lead you to a room. Each room will be filled with 6 people at the end. Killing is not allowed in these rooms. These people who you are in the room with will now be your new partners for the remainder of the game.
Oh and one more thing! Theres a limit to how many people can go into each entrance. Once the limit has been met, the entrance will close. If you decide not to travel to the mountain, you will die. The rest of the island will be flooded. That is all! Good luck!"

After the message ends Gon comes running around the corner with a panicked look on his face. Hisoka meets up with us as well.

Even though Kai is in pain, he stands and prepares to leave.

"Looks like we're gonna have to leave a bit earlier then expected..." Kai mumbles.

"Yea..this really changes a lot of things.." I say while looking over at Gon.


wHatS gOnNa hApPeN????

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