Over and Done With.

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Paper was being placed back into the boxes, bars were gone over and Garcia was on a long rant about how Carly realised where it was and how Hotch sounded busy but they went there anyway but as she pointed the bar out to Garcia Astrid paled.

"No, not this one. The red means not an option. This bar is too large, too exposed and not popular enough. Before, our unsubs attacked bars that were small but well known. Get the others on the phone they are at the wrong one and if they attack tonight we have just lost some more performers. They might go into hiding." Garcia startled and began running their numbers through her phone but they didn't respond and her frustration grew.

"Come on sweet babies. Pick up your cellular devices." She heaved with frustration and another call was made to another number.

"Penelope, you said that she went through and described them all, I need you to do me a favour. Which one did she describe as quaint, popular, always full? Lots of side entrances perhaps." The phone dropped from Penelope's ear as she began to think, her fingers arched in thought as her teeth were shown as she tried to recall anything.

"This one. She didn't mention entrances though." A pretty nail was used to point to a particular bar and with the heaviest sigh she could muster, Astrid pulled the vest on that Carly had given her.

"Okay, try getting ahold of any of them. Just someone and send them there. It is pretty late now so I will have to be quick. Send the address to them and our team and then track the best route. If you get through" Astrid had begun to heavily breathe and her body shook slightly as she tried to get out of her own head before she walked out of the room.

"What's with the vest?" It was the man from before and a welcome smile was given.

"Everyone get in your cars. Drive to the bar my team are at, be loud, I don't care what you have to do and find my team. Tell them to head towards the address that Garcia is going to send you all to. And you, I need you to drive me straight there or hand me your keys." A clatter was heard as he lifted the metal to his hands and they all rushed to their cars.

By the time Astrid had arrived at the bar, she beckoned the man with her and walked around the back of the bar and she looked around, hoping to see someone and with impeccable timing one of the employees left the back to throw the bins out.

"FBI, I am going to need you to let me in. And tell no one that I am here." Her badge was shown and the young man was startled before nodding and she was allowed in. "Oh, Officer Jeffords, you wait out here, when the others arrive direct them to the front. Make sure they use the main doors, we can trap them in."

The back of the stage was lively with boxes, clothes and metal containers of alcohol that were waiting to be stored properly but what caught her eye was the set of steps that led to the actual stage. Music was being played and a single female voice was heard loud and clear. Astrid walked up the steps and stood on the ledge that just about covered her. Very little could be seen but the shock in the singer's eyes put her on guard as nerves ate at Astrid until the adrenaline and training kicked in as loud voices, male and female were heard from behind masks.

Their words were muffled for Astrid but as her eyes peeked from behind the curtain she saw that one of them had a gun trained on the singer and their finger was getting ready to pull. Immediately, without thinking, Astrid sprinted and floored the startled girl who was sure she must have died as bellows left her but they soon stopped as Astrid silenced her.

"Who are you?" Their voice was angry and she may not have been able to see their teeth but Astrid knew that they were talking through them, almost grinding their teeth together, a few whispers were shared between the four with masks on and be faded away to Astrid's left and she knew where that was going but she couldn't get distracted.

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