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10 Women. All seemed to be a little more generous with their body than most could be. Not that it mattered because they could deal with the worst of issues and just smile away, pretending to enjoy it. That wasn't quite true though for the girls in the images as they didn't pretend. They begged and begged to live. One simple thing that so many took for granted and it was taken from them.

"Just an ordinary night." Astrid accidentally read out the statement from one of the girls who hadn't been killed.

"Why record it?" The jet suddenly jolted and then it returned to normal. None of them felt comfortable with it but they were almost there so no point in making a fuss.

"He wanted them to be seen for what he thought that they were. Beggars. Whores. Scoundrels." As Astrid spoke the last word, smirks claimed their face due to the unique choice of word.

"Astrid and Spencer, focus on the profile. The rest of us will go and talk to those who work with the women." The jet had barely landed when Hotch had spoken and Spencer huffed and puffed until they were at the station.

"Hello. I am Special Agent Astrid and this is Dr Reid. We are from the BAU. The rest of the team will be here in a while but they wanted to start the process as quickly as possible. Do you have anywhere for us to start?" A woman, tall and large in stature was there to meet them and as soon as Astrid spoke her hand gestured to a small room but it was a tiny station so nothing more had been expected. It was a small town with little to no life. The nightlife seemed to be all it had.

"Do you want to write? We can go through it and together come up with the profile. It sounds like a pretty normal case." His heavily analysing eyes met and stuck to the board as a pen was audibly lifted into his soft hands and passed to Astrid, a moment of contact was made. Very little contact was made though and Spencer dragged his hands over his chest after. Astrid had to stand on the chair to write a title. Something that the team never did but she wanted to because she claimed that it helped her remember better. The city or town would be written. Once the name had been written she climbed down.

"Quite a high board. Anyway. We have a description already. White, bald. Young and short. Stocky and he has an unusual accent. Not American or perhaps South American. Brazilian or something." The list was made and then the real thought had to be put into it.

"Maybe he was done over by some girl. He told her that he loved her. Or, his mother might have been a street worker. I think that whatever it is, there is something personal about it. The way that he sleeps with them, strangles them with their own pants and then shoves them into their mouths. He then puts the money up their vagina. He pays the full amount as well. Rich maybe?" Astrid perked her lips as he spoke and began to write some notes down that Spencer had mentioned.

"It's spelt with an 'e'. Not an 'a'." Brown eyes began to search for the word that he meant but she couldn't find it. His steps could be heard and then finally she felt him take the pen. His left hand rested on her waist and the top she had been wearing lifted for skin to skin contact as he leant up and tried to get to the top of the board. He had to lean close and she was pressed right up against him as he corrected her spelling of 'Philadelphia' as the letter was switched.

"What are you two up to?" Spencer jumped back in a second and Astrid jolted slightly as an unexpected voice ran through the room. A laugh began before finally the team all walked in and the meeting about what was the next step began.

You two seem close.

Physically we were in close proximity.

Oh, come on.

He was correcting my spelling. Oddly enough the dyslexic in the room has to be told occasionally.

You're dyslexic?

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