A Tissue, We All Fall Down.

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Cases piled up but with them so did the resilience and the ability to numb the mind to it. Death and the constant cases of assault became more than common and disgust was soon lost to mundane and expressionless faces. Cases piled up beyond that of the average force but they were solved with the most abled people.

"Astrid. Have you done the report on the Astley case? I just need to know some reference numbers." Emily was walking towards her. Black and red hair covered her face but a folder was lifted and handed over for Prentiss to use and a grateful hand was used to take it from her.

The lift pinged as the folder was returned and then a set of heavy and determined steps followed it. All eyes met the people who had just walked through. A tall man, cool eyes and an angry glare met them. As he got closer Emily mumbled to Rossi who laughed.

"Freddi. What are you doing here? What's with all of this?" Her eyes held a familiar fondness as the man walked towards her.

"Astrid Valencia Atlas. I am arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Timothy Elliot Atlas. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." Astrid was stunned into silence as she was taken down into the lift and then taken into another building. Her face was calm and relaxed but nothing could escape her lips as fear washed over.

"What just happened?" Garcia had only just turned up, the team was silent as they watched blankly. Eyes all set wide and stunned.

"Astrid was just arrested, " Spencer spoke but his jaw was a little slack.

"My baby. What happened?" Fear crawled deep down at Garcia's organs.

"Timothy. His name was on the gravestone. He had a body buried with him some cases ago in California. I don't understand. She said that he had trained her up." Morgan suddenly sprung into action as his phone was pulled and then he sprinted down the steps. The movement seemed to shock everyone into action as they began to work. Computers turned on but Hotch just stood there.

"No. They think that they have the right to do this. Our own agent? Spencer and Emily will go to them. We are FBI so we have the right to watch. Morgan can go in there and be her representative until she thinks that a lawyer is needed." Hotch may have never shown care for her but she was part of the team and she gave most of them something to live for. Her joy made even Spencer a little happier and he was once proud of his dislike of her.

The team all moved into the lift and Garcia got into her room. Typing was carried out as she tried to get into the name of the man that had been mentioned.

"Emily. I need his name, the one Derek mentioned and what she has been arrested for." Prentiss was in a state of shock still but she responded.

"Murder. Timothy Elliot Atlas. They have the same name so a relation maybe?"

Astrid didn't feel the same rush or urgency as she was left to sit in a room. Cuffs kept her to the table and it felt surreal. One moment she was catching bad guys and suddenly she was being accused of being one.

Freddi entered half an hour later, she had kept count on her watch and Morgan followed in. No weapons on him and a smile spread on her face but Morgan gave a glare that could kill to the man who had the nerve to arrest her. She was uncuffed as soon as the door was closed though.

"The time is 09:23. I am Fredrick..." His words fell on deaf ears as Astrid came to calm herself down.

"What is your name?" Blunt and arrogant came Freddi as he practically spat at her.

"Astrid Valencia Atlas."

"Ms Atlas. Who was Timothy Elliot Atlas to you?" His voice had an edge, a hiss to it that made Derek lean back and glare harsher daggers into the man.

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